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Latin American Monsters

Tekijä: Miguel Colon

Sarjat: Pathfinder

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Awesome Adversaries of the Americas! Latin American Monsters brings you 120 pages of incredible 5th Edition creatures from Central and South America and the Caribbean, from ahuizotl to zuvembie! You'll find divine messengers and protectors like the magui and xiuh couatl alongside sinister fiends like the soucouyant and xipe totec the Flayed Lord, living fey like the curupira and encantado alongside deathless terrors like the llorona and tzitzimitl, living engines of destruction like the lusca and chupacabra and unliving constructs like the cuauhxicalli and xolo guardian. Guardians of the wild like the tunche and madremonte stand beside fantastic versions of real-world creatures like the anaconda, giant iguana, black caiman, jaguar, and giant mantis shrimp! Wherever your campaign takes you, you'll find an incredible collection of marvelous monsters to challenge the mightiest heroes. They are perfect for running a campaign directly inspired by the Americas, of course, but are equally awesome whenever you just need exciting new creatures your players may have never seen before! This incredible 5E monster book has been developed with a creative team of nearly 20 Latinx authors and artists from the folklore of Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, and more, beautifully illustrated and ready to help Make Your Game Legendary!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatTanimm, heather.odonnell, Zcorbain, lachapakhan
  1. 00
    Boricubos: The Lost Isles (tekijä: Miguel Colon) (Zcorbain)
    Zcorbain: Both works were created in parallel under a Kickstarter funded project.

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Awesome Adversaries of the Americas! Latin American Monsters brings you 120 pages of incredible 5th Edition creatures from Central and South America and the Caribbean, from ahuizotl to zuvembie! You'll find divine messengers and protectors like the magui and xiuh couatl alongside sinister fiends like the soucouyant and xipe totec the Flayed Lord, living fey like the curupira and encantado alongside deathless terrors like the llorona and tzitzimitl, living engines of destruction like the lusca and chupacabra and unliving constructs like the cuauhxicalli and xolo guardian. Guardians of the wild like the tunche and madremonte stand beside fantastic versions of real-world creatures like the anaconda, giant iguana, black caiman, jaguar, and giant mantis shrimp! Wherever your campaign takes you, you'll find an incredible collection of marvelous monsters to challenge the mightiest heroes. They are perfect for running a campaign directly inspired by the Americas, of course, but are equally awesome whenever you just need exciting new creatures your players may have never seen before! This incredible 5E monster book has been developed with a creative team of nearly 20 Latinx authors and artists from the folklore of Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, Haiti, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Cuba, and more, beautifully illustrated and ready to help Make Your Game Legendary!

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