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The House Across the Lake: A Novel Tekijä:…

The House Across the Lake: A Novel (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2022; vuoden 2022 painos)

Tekijä: Riley Sager (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1,1724317,101 (3.48)11
"The new thriller from New York Times bestselling author Riley Sager in which a recently fired Broadway star flees to a remote Vermont lake house, only to find out that the area has a history of missing women"-- It looks like a familiar story: A woman reeling from a great loss with too much time on her hands and too much booze in her glass watches her neighbors, sees things she shouldn't see, and starts to suspect the worst. But looks can be deceiving. . . . Casey Fletcher, a recently widowed actress trying to escape a streak of bad press, has retreated to her family's lake house in Vermont. Armed with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of liquor, she passes the time watching Tom and Katherine Royce, the glamorous couple living in the house across the lake. Everything about the Royces seems perfect. Their marriage. Their house. The bucolic lake it sits beside. But when Katherine suddenly vanishes, Casey becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her. In the process, she discovers the darker truths lurking just beneath the surface of the Royces' picture-perfect marriage. Truths no suspicious voyeur could begin to imagine--even with a few drinks under her belt. Like Casey, you'll think you know where this story is headed. Think again. Because once you open the door to obsession, you never know what you might find on the other side.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The House Across the Lake: A Novel
Kirjailijat:Riley Sager (Tekijä)
Info:Penguin Audio (2022)
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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The House Across the Lake (tekijä: Riley Sager) (2022)


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» Katso myös 11 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 42) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
A page-turner, but kind of an annoying one. This was very "Girl on the Train" meets "The Woman in the Window" meets "Gone Girl" but with a supernatural element. Without too many spoilers, the supernatural element kind of comes out of nowhere and it was what I did not like about the book, along with bad-character-choice-itis. Suspenseful, kind of irritating, kind of interesting, quick read. ( )
  mj_papaya | Dec 26, 2023 |
I really enjoyed this book! It was given to me as a gift. I am now looking forward to reading more from Riley Sager! ( )
  HazeyRecollect | Nov 13, 2023 |
Casey is awful (also where’s the show not tell part about her alcoholism?) the end is Meh and it feels like more “twists” than necessary, for a very cheap payoff. ( )
1 ääni thessaly | Oct 22, 2023 |
Casey Fletcher is a widowed actress whose drinking problem, acquired after her husband's death, has all but ended her career. Her mother has banished her to the family vacation home by Lake Greene, but since that's also where Casey's husband, Len, drowned to death, it's questionable whether she's any better off there than she was when she was in the public eye.

Casey is trying out Len's old binoculars when she sees someone drowning in the lake. Thankfully, she gets there in time to save famous model Katherine Royce's life. Katherine and her husband Tom have recently moved into the house across the lake from Casey's, and Casey finds herself spying on the couple. Gradually, she comes to the conclusion that there's something going on in the Royce household, and when Katherine seemingly disappears, Casey is sure Tom had something to do with it.

Maybe I've been reading too many thrillers, but the first half of this book felt really stale. The perpetually drunk main character (I don't drink, and even I felt like I might go into sympathetic liver failure while reading about Casey's constant drinking). The suspicious interactions between husband and wife. The scene shifts between past and present, with an omission so obvious that the book's first twist felt half-hearted at best.

There was more going on than there initially appeared to be, and although those developments did take me by surprise, I'm not sure I can say that they were any good. Mostly, they just struck me as ridiculous. That feeling only grew more pronounced when Sager managed to fit a few more twists in before the book's final pages.

It wasn't necessarily a terrible way to spend a few hours, but overall my feelings are lukewarm at best.

(Original review posted on A Library Girl's Familiar Diversions.) ( )
1 ääni Familiar_Diversions | Oct 8, 2023 |
Synopsis: An actress hides at her lake house after the untimely death of her husband. She rescues a woman from drowning and starts to fear that the woman in question is in danger.

My rating: 4/5

This book had a slow start for me and I struggled to get through the beginning of it but it did pick up and when it did I couldn't put it down.

This book has some neat twists and turns. A few I saw coming but several I did not.

I found I really enjoyed the setting more than I expected to. It felt isolated and desolate as it is the off season at the lake where most residents are only there seasonally. The lake is clearly shown as ominous and I liked the way it was used both in the plot and the mood of the book.

One of my biggest struggles with this book was that I didn't like any of the characters. Our narrator was unsympathetic, partially due to her alcoholism, and right off the bat I didn't feel like we could trust her.
Throughout the book she makes really bad decisions and so many times I was just growling at her character in frustration.

My lack of attachment to any of the characters made me minimally invested in the things that were happening to them.

At the end of the day I liked the setting and plot but didn't care about any of the characters. The twists were fun and unexpected but also I wasn't prepared for them (though if I had read more from this author I probably would have been).

I am not sure who the right audience for this book is. Maybe people who like Stephen King books. ( )
  authorjanebnight | Sep 18, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 42) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"The new thriller from New York Times bestselling author Riley Sager in which a recently fired Broadway star flees to a remote Vermont lake house, only to find out that the area has a history of missing women"-- It looks like a familiar story: A woman reeling from a great loss with too much time on her hands and too much booze in her glass watches her neighbors, sees things she shouldn't see, and starts to suspect the worst. But looks can be deceiving. . . . Casey Fletcher, a recently widowed actress trying to escape a streak of bad press, has retreated to her family's lake house in Vermont. Armed with a pair of binoculars and several bottles of liquor, she passes the time watching Tom and Katherine Royce, the glamorous couple living in the house across the lake. Everything about the Royces seems perfect. Their marriage. Their house. The bucolic lake it sits beside. But when Katherine suddenly vanishes, Casey becomes obsessed with finding out what happened to her. In the process, she discovers the darker truths lurking just beneath the surface of the Royces' picture-perfect marriage. Truths no suspicious voyeur could begin to imagine--even with a few drinks under her belt. Like Casey, you'll think you know where this story is headed. Think again. Because once you open the door to obsession, you never know what you might find on the other side.

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Keskiarvo: (3.48)
1 5
1.5 3
2 27
2.5 7
3 57
3.5 12
4 68
4.5 5
5 34

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