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Strange Devices

Tekijä: Joshua Reiman

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Strange Devices is a book that contains 2 essay's, 15 interviews with artists, and 3 reviews of exhibitions that all lead to thoughts on sculpture as neospatial practice.Why hasn't the definition of Sculpture changed? Almost forty years after Rosalind Krauss wrote Sculpture in the Expanded Field, physical works of art continue to splinter and move further from their entrenched institutionalized categorization. In the last twenty years alone, our understanding of what sculpture is has dramatically shifted. But have the discussions surrounding sculpture evolved in tandem? Sculpture is hardly a singular term for an artwork, especially an artwork that inhabits space or is the space itself. Strange Devices frames contemporary sculpture as neospatial production.Essay's included: Strange Devices and Unintentional VicesInterview's included: Janine Antoni, Rina Banerjee, Matthew Barney, Lowry Burgess, Lenka Clayton, Lewis Colburn, Young Joon Kwak, Athena Lynch, Katie Paterson, Charles Ray, Jon Rubin, Arcangelo Sassolino, Shoplifter, Simon Starling, and Julianne Swartz. Reviews Included: Matthew Barney's Redoubt, Hito Steyerl's Drill, and Being Present in the Space of Video - Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1974-1995… (lisätietoja)

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Strange Devices is a book that contains 2 essay's, 15 interviews with artists, and 3 reviews of exhibitions that all lead to thoughts on sculpture as neospatial practice.Why hasn't the definition of Sculpture changed? Almost forty years after Rosalind Krauss wrote Sculpture in the Expanded Field, physical works of art continue to splinter and move further from their entrenched institutionalized categorization. In the last twenty years alone, our understanding of what sculpture is has dramatically shifted. But have the discussions surrounding sculpture evolved in tandem? Sculpture is hardly a singular term for an artwork, especially an artwork that inhabits space or is the space itself. Strange Devices frames contemporary sculpture as neospatial production.Essay's included: Strange Devices and Unintentional VicesInterview's included: Janine Antoni, Rina Banerjee, Matthew Barney, Lowry Burgess, Lenka Clayton, Lewis Colburn, Young Joon Kwak, Athena Lynch, Katie Paterson, Charles Ray, Jon Rubin, Arcangelo Sassolino, Shoplifter, Simon Starling, and Julianne Swartz. Reviews Included: Matthew Barney's Redoubt, Hito Steyerl's Drill, and Being Present in the Space of Video - Before Projection: Video Sculpture 1974-1995

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