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A Game of Gods (Hades x Persephone Saga, 6)…

A Game of Gods (Hades x Persephone Saga, 6) (vuoden 2023 painos)

Tekijä: Scarlett St. Clair (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Hades X Persephone (6)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
350174,655 (3.55)-
Fantasy. Fiction. Mythology. Romance. Told in multiple POVs, A Game of Gods is the final installment in the Hades Saga by USA Today bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair. Hades, God of the Dead, has finally made Persephone his in every way possible. With their wedding on the horizon, the couple should be ecstatic. But Demeter is wreaking havoc on their bliss by battering the whole of New Greece with erratic and dangerous weather. At the same time, Theseus continues with his agenda against the Gods, allying with the hate-group Triad in an effort to bring down all of Olympus. Hades refuses to allow anything to stop him from securing Persephone as his bride, but he must play a deep strategic game with the Gods of Olympus to safeguard their future. And it is not entirely clear which Gods are truly on his side. Contains mature themes.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:A Game of Gods (Hades x Persephone Saga, 6)
Kirjailijat:Scarlett St. Clair (Tekijä)
Info:Bloom Books (2023), 592 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


A Game of Gods (Hades x Persephone Saga, 6) (tekijä: Scarlett St Clair)


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Ei tämänhetkisiä Keskustelu-viestiketjuja tästä kirjasta.

So . . . this was kind of disappointing.

I have been a massive fan of this series - Book 1: A Game of Fate kept me glued to the pages. Book 2: Game of Retribution kept me up at 2 a.m., yet this was . . . just meh.

I felt the chapters of Ariadne and Dionysus did not contribute to the main storyline or move the plot forward. This has always been Hades's story - and now we were introduced to multiple POVs: Hades, Dionysus and Theseus - the antagonist . . .

Honestly, I did not care why he was doing what he was doing or how - who cares? As long as the plot was good - even if only Hade's POV was present - then this would have felt different.

Still 3 stars - was still okay just took me longer to read. ( )
  Aya666 | May 16, 2024 |
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Fantasy. Fiction. Mythology. Romance. Told in multiple POVs, A Game of Gods is the final installment in the Hades Saga by USA Today bestselling author Scarlett St. Clair. Hades, God of the Dead, has finally made Persephone his in every way possible. With their wedding on the horizon, the couple should be ecstatic. But Demeter is wreaking havoc on their bliss by battering the whole of New Greece with erratic and dangerous weather. At the same time, Theseus continues with his agenda against the Gods, allying with the hate-group Triad in an effort to bring down all of Olympus. Hades refuses to allow anything to stop him from securing Persephone as his bride, but he must play a deep strategic game with the Gods of Olympus to safeguard their future. And it is not entirely clear which Gods are truly on his side. Contains mature themes.

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Keskiarvo: (3.55)
2.5 1
3 4
3.5 1
4 2
4.5 1
5 1

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