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Beautiful Curly Me

Tekijä: Ona Zoe Oli

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
An ode to every beautiful curly girl, this book is filled with affirmative language and colorful expression of beauty, her unique beauty. Perfect for ages 4- 9, Beautiful Curly Me is a celebration of the magic of curly hair, dreams and abilities and all the things that make young black and brown girls special. This is a great book for to develop positive self esteem in young girls and to help them become more self-confident. This book was written by a 7 year old girl who went through a time when she didn't like her hair and now wants to encourage girls everywhere to celebrate their precious tresses. All hair is beautiful and confident girls can do anything they set their minds to. This book not only addresses beauty, but it also highlights self-confidence, boldness and the importance of loving yourself just the way you are. 10% of proceeds from this book go to Girl literacy and empowerment initatives.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatdmbelbis, cmecabar, sunnymunn

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An ode to every beautiful curly girl, this book is filled with affirmative language and colorful expression of beauty, her unique beauty. Perfect for ages 4- 9, Beautiful Curly Me is a celebration of the magic of curly hair, dreams and abilities and all the things that make young black and brown girls special. This is a great book for to develop positive self esteem in young girls and to help them become more self-confident. This book was written by a 7 year old girl who went through a time when she didn't like her hair and now wants to encourage girls everywhere to celebrate their precious tresses. All hair is beautiful and confident girls can do anything they set their minds to. This book not only addresses beauty, but it also highlights self-confidence, boldness and the importance of loving yourself just the way you are. 10% of proceeds from this book go to Girl literacy and empowerment initatives.

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