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The Fires of Philadelphia: Citizen-Soldiers, Nativists, and the 1844 Riots Over the Soul of a Nation

Tekijä: Zachary M. Schrag

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
"...a comprehensive look at the 1844 riots that pitted nativist Protestants in Philadelphia against Irish Catholic immigrants. Positioning the riots as a precursor to the Civil War, Schrag details how leaders of the American Republican Party (a forerunner of the Know Nothing Party), including charismatic newspaperman and future U.S. congressman Lewis Levin, fanned the flames of anti-immigrant resentment by alleging that Irish Catholics were a "menace to American self-government." Allegations spread that Catholics were trying to remove the Protestant bible from public schools, and a nativist rally in the Irish neighborhood of Kensington erupted into a brawl, sparking waves of violence that led to the burning of two Catholic churches and the ransacking of a third, the deaths of dozens of protestors, and a military takeover of the city."--… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"...a comprehensive look at the 1844 riots that pitted nativist Protestants in Philadelphia against Irish Catholic immigrants. Positioning the riots as a precursor to the Civil War, Schrag details how leaders of the American Republican Party (a forerunner of the Know Nothing Party), including charismatic newspaperman and future U.S. congressman Lewis Levin, fanned the flames of anti-immigrant resentment by alleging that Irish Catholics were a "menace to American self-government." Allegations spread that Catholics were trying to remove the Protestant bible from public schools, and a nativist rally in the Irish neighborhood of Kensington erupted into a brawl, sparking waves of violence that led to the burning of two Catholic churches and the ransacking of a third, the deaths of dozens of protestors, and a military takeover of the city."--

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