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Rebel: House of Fae

Tekijä: Rosemary A Johns

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Stay away from Court Fae... My dad drilled that into our Dark Fae tribe, trapping us in the forest. Court Fae are deadly, cruel, and believe that they're fated to mate for life. But I'm also Lord Spring: a rebel with something dangerous and magical growing inside me... Now I'm a prisoner in a supernatural jail with my two hot and protective fae friends, held captive because I rebelled against the Queen. They even kidnapped the beautiful shifters. How can I escape this hellhole with its trials, executions, and classes with blood-thirsty vampires, werewolves, and witches? Go for counseling with the sexy succubus, my friends said. It couldn't be worse than dying, right? Yet love could be deadlier than anything else in this reform school. Why choose just one bond when all are so temptingly hot? Yet will these new loves and friendships be enough to fight the system and the Court Fae? If I fail to graduate... ...I die. From Rosemary A. Johns, the USA Today Bestselling Author of Rebel Academy, Rebel Werewolves, and Rebel Angels, comes your next paranormal addiction!… (lisätietoja)
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Stay away from Court Fae... My dad drilled that into our Dark Fae tribe, trapping us in the forest. Court Fae are deadly, cruel, and believe that they're fated to mate for life. But I'm also Lord Spring: a rebel with something dangerous and magical growing inside me... Now I'm a prisoner in a supernatural jail with my two hot and protective fae friends, held captive because I rebelled against the Queen. They even kidnapped the beautiful shifters. How can I escape this hellhole with its trials, executions, and classes with blood-thirsty vampires, werewolves, and witches? Go for counseling with the sexy succubus, my friends said. It couldn't be worse than dying, right? Yet love could be deadlier than anything else in this reform school. Why choose just one bond when all are so temptingly hot? Yet will these new loves and friendships be enough to fight the system and the Court Fae? If I fail to graduate... ...I die. From Rosemary A. Johns, the USA Today Bestselling Author of Rebel Academy, Rebel Werewolves, and Rebel Angels, comes your next paranormal addiction!

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