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Crafting with Wooden Crates and Pallets: 25 Simple Projects to Style Your Home

Tekijä: Natalie Wright

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
You don't have to be a carpenter or a home improvement expert to undertake these twenty-five projects, which combine elements of crafting and woodworking. Step-by-step instructions, accompanied by full-color photos, explain how to build surprisingly simple, attractive, and inexpensive indoor and outdoor furniture. The common denominators in these fun-filled and practical projects are ordinary wooden crates and pallets, which are readily available at craft and home improvement stores, vintage shops, and online. The first project demonstrates how easy it is to build your own crate from scratch. Indoor projects include storage shelves, nightstands, a bookshelf, an upholstered footstool, a benche, a side table, a desk, and storage units. Stepping outside, the projects feature a do-it-yourself children's lemonade stand and a planter box. Several of the projects are equally functional indoors and out: decorative pieces, a game, a sign, a rolling cart, a toolbox, and other handy and playful items. The ease and simplicity of the projects make them a great way for novices -- especially kids -- to discover the pleasures and satisfaction of crafting and workworking.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatMollie.Mark, RLNunezKPL, AHavlicek, pjburnswriter

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You don't have to be a carpenter or a home improvement expert to undertake these twenty-five projects, which combine elements of crafting and woodworking. Step-by-step instructions, accompanied by full-color photos, explain how to build surprisingly simple, attractive, and inexpensive indoor and outdoor furniture. The common denominators in these fun-filled and practical projects are ordinary wooden crates and pallets, which are readily available at craft and home improvement stores, vintage shops, and online. The first project demonstrates how easy it is to build your own crate from scratch. Indoor projects include storage shelves, nightstands, a bookshelf, an upholstered footstool, a benche, a side table, a desk, and storage units. Stepping outside, the projects feature a do-it-yourself children's lemonade stand and a planter box. Several of the projects are equally functional indoors and out: decorative pieces, a game, a sign, a rolling cart, a toolbox, and other handy and playful items. The ease and simplicity of the projects make them a great way for novices -- especially kids -- to discover the pleasures and satisfaction of crafting and workworking.

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