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3 Day Guide to Cinque Terre: A 72-hour definitive guide on what to see, eat and enjoy in Cinque Terre, Italy (3 Day Travel Guides) (Volume 18)

Tekijä: 3 Day City Guides

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See. Eat. Sleep. Enjoy. A 72-Hour Guide to Cinque Terre, Italy.City breaks are perfect for those long weekends away. You go to a city and you've got only a short amount of time to see the sights, there's no time to get distracted. But what if you don't know exactly what to do and see? Which places to eat at? When the best time is to visit? Located in northern Italy between Pisa and Genoa lies the Italian Riviera---a sun-kissed coastal region that may be as pure as any place gets. This is where you will find Cinque Terre, not an overrun tourist destination, but more a sleepy place of sand, sea, wine and lazy days. Whether you're just here to relax or to hike its famous trails you can, all with the help of this handy travel guide. Inside 3 Day Guide to Cinque Terre: A 72-hour definitive guide on what to see, eat and enjoy in Cinque Terre, Italy: History - We've put together a historic overview of Cinque Terre, exploring the region's strategic locations as it changed hands between Romans, Tuscans and of course - a few visits by pirates. Climate - Being comfortable and enjoying yourself often links to the weather when you go. Our brief guide to the usual climate of Italy and that of Cinque Terre can help you decide how to see the towns, whether in sultry summer or cool autumn. Town Overviews - With a history so rich and varied, the romance and culture all packed into this region, it's easy to get overwhelmed. This guide provides information about all the favorite tourist spots and those that are lesser known, with it you'll learn all there is to know about places to go in the city that you might not have even imagined were there. Transport - Train, plane or road, however you want to get to Cinque Terre, it's all made simpler with our handy guide to transport to and around the towns. This book is packed with tips and tricks to help you keep travel stress free and navigate the trails like a local. Sight-seeing - Helping you to make the most of your visit and turn your holiday into the trip of a life time this guide is full of attractions to suit any type of adventurer, including; architecture, museums, bars, churches, piazzas and culture. 3 Day Itinerary - For those of you who aren't sure exactly what you want to see but want to explore Cinque Terre to the full there's a handy itinerary all drawn up for you. Just pick and choose which parts you want to use and your trip of a lifetime is set. Best Places for Any Budget - With comprehensive lists and reviews of the best places to eat, sleep and enjoy a night out all arranged by budget levels you're bound to find something for you no matter what your budget is. Grab your copy of 3 Day Guide to Cinque Terre: A 72-hour definitive guide on what to see, eat and enjoy in Cinque Terre, Italy to help you turn a weekend away into the trip of a lifetime.… (lisätietoja)
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See. Eat. Sleep. Enjoy. A 72-Hour Guide to Cinque Terre, Italy.City breaks are perfect for those long weekends away. You go to a city and you've got only a short amount of time to see the sights, there's no time to get distracted. But what if you don't know exactly what to do and see? Which places to eat at? When the best time is to visit? Located in northern Italy between Pisa and Genoa lies the Italian Riviera---a sun-kissed coastal region that may be as pure as any place gets. This is where you will find Cinque Terre, not an overrun tourist destination, but more a sleepy place of sand, sea, wine and lazy days. Whether you're just here to relax or to hike its famous trails you can, all with the help of this handy travel guide. Inside 3 Day Guide to Cinque Terre: A 72-hour definitive guide on what to see, eat and enjoy in Cinque Terre, Italy: History - We've put together a historic overview of Cinque Terre, exploring the region's strategic locations as it changed hands between Romans, Tuscans and of course - a few visits by pirates. Climate - Being comfortable and enjoying yourself often links to the weather when you go. Our brief guide to the usual climate of Italy and that of Cinque Terre can help you decide how to see the towns, whether in sultry summer or cool autumn. Town Overviews - With a history so rich and varied, the romance and culture all packed into this region, it's easy to get overwhelmed. This guide provides information about all the favorite tourist spots and those that are lesser known, with it you'll learn all there is to know about places to go in the city that you might not have even imagined were there. Transport - Train, plane or road, however you want to get to Cinque Terre, it's all made simpler with our handy guide to transport to and around the towns. This book is packed with tips and tricks to help you keep travel stress free and navigate the trails like a local. Sight-seeing - Helping you to make the most of your visit and turn your holiday into the trip of a life time this guide is full of attractions to suit any type of adventurer, including; architecture, museums, bars, churches, piazzas and culture. 3 Day Itinerary - For those of you who aren't sure exactly what you want to see but want to explore Cinque Terre to the full there's a handy itinerary all drawn up for you. Just pick and choose which parts you want to use and your trip of a lifetime is set. Best Places for Any Budget - With comprehensive lists and reviews of the best places to eat, sleep and enjoy a night out all arranged by budget levels you're bound to find something for you no matter what your budget is. Grab your copy of 3 Day Guide to Cinque Terre: A 72-hour definitive guide on what to see, eat and enjoy in Cinque Terre, Italy to help you turn a weekend away into the trip of a lifetime.

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