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Isle of the Blessed: A Novel of the Roman Empire (Eagles and Dragons)

Tekijä: Adam Alexander Haviaras

Sarjat: Eagles and Dragons (4)

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Emperor Septimius Severus' war against the Caledonians has ended with a peace treaty. Rome has won. As a reward for the blood they have shed, many of Rome's warriors have been granted a reprieve from duty, including Lucius Metellus Anguis, prefect of the now famous Sarmatian cavalry. The Gods seem finally to have granted Lucius a peaceful life as he builds a new home for his family upon an ancient hillfort in the south of Britannia. Lucius now finds that, after years of war and brutality, the most elusive peace, the peace within, is finally within his grasp. But heroes are never without enemies, and Lucius, Rome's famed Dragon, has many. After an argument with traitorous local politicians, and a quest in which he is confronted by a dark goddess, Lucius realizes that his pastoral idyll is at an end. When war erupts in Caledonia once more, he is called away only to be assaulted on all fronts by his most deadly enemy. The choices presented to Lucius by the Gods, his allies, and his friends are clear and terrifying. He can hand victory and power over to the wickedest men in the Empire, or he can fight for his life to create the world he believes in. Will Lucius' enemies and the powers of darkness overwhelm and destroy him? Or will he find the strength to survive the trials he faces and protect the people he loves? This time, not even the Gods know...… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatcamon63

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Emperor Septimius Severus' war against the Caledonians has ended with a peace treaty. Rome has won. As a reward for the blood they have shed, many of Rome's warriors have been granted a reprieve from duty, including Lucius Metellus Anguis, prefect of the now famous Sarmatian cavalry. The Gods seem finally to have granted Lucius a peaceful life as he builds a new home for his family upon an ancient hillfort in the south of Britannia. Lucius now finds that, after years of war and brutality, the most elusive peace, the peace within, is finally within his grasp. But heroes are never without enemies, and Lucius, Rome's famed Dragon, has many. After an argument with traitorous local politicians, and a quest in which he is confronted by a dark goddess, Lucius realizes that his pastoral idyll is at an end. When war erupts in Caledonia once more, he is called away only to be assaulted on all fronts by his most deadly enemy. The choices presented to Lucius by the Gods, his allies, and his friends are clear and terrifying. He can hand victory and power over to the wickedest men in the Empire, or he can fight for his life to create the world he believes in. Will Lucius' enemies and the powers of darkness overwhelm and destroy him? Or will he find the strength to survive the trials he faces and protect the people he loves? This time, not even the Gods know...

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