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The Vanishing Half: A GMA Book Club Pick (a…

The Vanishing Half: A GMA Book Club Pick (a Novel) (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: Brit Bennett (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
5,7102411,801 (4.06)301
"The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Ten years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters' storylines intersect? Weaving together multiple strands and generations of this family, from the Deep South to California, from the 1950s to the 1990s, Brit Bennett produces a story that is at once a riveting, emotional family story and a brilliant exploration of the American history of passing. Looking well beyond issues of race, The Vanishing Half considers the lasting influence of the past as it shapes a person's decisions, desires, and expectations, and explores some of the multiple reasons and realms in which people sometimes feel pulled to live as something other than their origins. As with her New York Times-bestselling debut The Mothers, Brit Bennett offers an engrossing page-turner about family and relationships that is immersive and provocative, compassionate and wise"--… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Vanishing Half: A GMA Book Club Pick (a Novel)
Kirjailijat:Brit Bennett (Tekijä)
Info:Riverhead Books (2020)
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Mikä meidät erottaa (tekijä: Brit Bennett)

  1. 40
    Passing (tekijä: Nella Larsen) (bhowell)
    bhowell: Passing by Nella Larsen is classic literature and a look at the same issue early in the 20th century

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 238) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
DNF @ 25%. Reached the "point of no return" zone and it still hasn't really held my attention. Might come back to this someday.
  escapinginpaper | May 18, 2024 |
I was disappointed by this novel, The Vanishing Half. It is beautifully written; Brit Bennett has a wonderful way with words, but the story in the book did not meet my hopes and ultimately, bored me.

Desiree and Stella are identical twin sisters, born and raised in Mallard, Louisiana, where nothing ever happens. When they are sixteen, they run away together to New Orleans, and then they run away from each other. The book documents their separate lives, the lives of their children, and to a lesser extent the lives of their partners, husbands, neighbours.

Just like nothing ever happens in Mallard, Louisiana, I found that nothing really happens in the book. It's just family, falling out and then back in, it's decisions made and lies told and unravelled, and there isn't any big moment that you can hang your hat on or view as the tipping point of the story you're reading.

I really wanted to like this book, but I didn't. ( )
  ahef1963 | May 8, 2024 |
The premise of this novel is interesting: Black twins take different paths in life, where one lives as a white person. They and their daughters cross paths again causing everyone to reevaluate life and racial identity. Theres another interesting side story about a trans man. The writing was lightweight, not bad, but not spectacular either. The last few chapters felt rushed and like the themes and characters that were being developed suddenly got thrown down on paper in a messy way with lots of loose threads left unpulled. The question “do we get to choose our own identities?” is an interesting one and I wish it had been more adequately explored. ( )
  technodiabla | May 6, 2024 |
This family drama explores identity, secrets, and forgiveness. The Vignes family was irreparably damaged by violence, loss and separation. As the twins embark on a new life, they must shed their past
Stella and her twin Desiree leave their small town without saying goodbye to family or friends. One eventually returns, running from an unhappy past. The other twin starts a new life "passing over". But Stella and Desiree aren't the only ones who have remade themselves, leaving behind an old identity. ( )
  Chrissylou62 | Apr 11, 2024 |
5 stars - this is a GREAT read. For me, this was an eye-opening look into the life of a Black person wanting to be white; (the books terms, black and white). I didn’t know the term “pass” or “pass over” was a term for when that happens - nor did I know that really is a desire of some very light-skinned people of color, or that they do it.

Ms. Bennett writes with amazing clarity, giving life to her characters; I lived them, I understood their plights, both the “white” and the “black” people in the story. She enlightened me with this quick-paced, beautiful story. I didn’t want it to end.

I would highly recommend this book. High praise for Brit Bennett and The Vanishing Half. ( )
  LyndaWolters1 | Apr 3, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 238) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
The Vanishing Half is the fairy tale we need right now to tell us the truth....

All of these events unfold with the inevitability of a folktale or a fable — which is how The Vanishing Half, with its many folklorish narrative extravagances, reads. This book is not interested in literary realism. It is a fairy tale, and it makes no apologies for being so....But within its fairy-tale structure, The Vanishing Half is able to be ambitious with its characters. ...Reading The Vanishing Half at this moment in time, as America protests against the police killings of black people and the police respond with brutality, feels like reading a parable that is wiser and more beautiful than we deserve. One that is built around all the secrets buried in the rotten core of America’s racial history.

There is deep truth within fairy tales. And with The Vanishing Half, Bennett has written a marvel of one.
A new novel explores the construct of race in the diverging lives of light-skinned black twins, one of whom transitions into a life as a white woman....Issues of privilege, intergenerational trauma, the randomness and unfairness of it all, are teased apart in all their complexity, within a story that also touches on universal themes of love, identity and belonging.

“The Vanishing Half,” with its clever premise and strongly developed characters, is unputdownable.
Race is much on America’s mind now, in all the myriad ways it shapes our lives, whatever color our skin might be. It also lies at the heart of Brit Bennett’s moving and insightful new novel, The Vanishing Half, the story of twin sisters who choose to live their lives as different races, one black, one white....The Vanishing Half is skillfully structured and filled with richly developed characters who defy stereotypes. By turns poignant and funny, it’s a timely look at the dual nature of race — an abstract construct, a visceral reality — and the damage that racism can inflict.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (19 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Bennett, Britensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Saugestad, VibekeKääntäjämuu tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Bogdan, IsabelKääntäjämuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu

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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The morning one of the lost twins returned to Mallard, Lou LeBon ran to the diner to break the news, and even now, many years later, everyone remembers the shock of sweaty Lou pushing through the glass doors, chest heaving, neckline darkened with his own effort.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
The hardest part about becoming someone else was deciding to. The rest was only logistics.
She had rung the bell, and all her life, the note would hang in the air.
Like leaving, the hardest part of returning was deciding to.
Her death hit in waves. Not a flood, but water lapping steadily at her ankles.

You could drown in two inches of water. Maybe grief was the same.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"The Vignes twin sisters will always be identical. But after growing up together in a small, southern black community and running away at age sixteen, it's not just the shape of their daily lives that is different as adults, it's everything: their families, their communities, their racial identities. Ten years later, one sister lives with her black daughter in the same southern town she once tried to escape. The other secretly passes for white, and her white husband knows nothing of her past. Still, even separated by so many miles and just as many lies, the fates of the twins remain intertwined. What will happen to the next generation, when their own daughters' storylines intersect? Weaving together multiple strands and generations of this family, from the Deep South to California, from the 1950s to the 1990s, Brit Bennett produces a story that is at once a riveting, emotional family story and a brilliant exploration of the American history of passing. Looking well beyond issues of race, The Vanishing Half considers the lasting influence of the past as it shapes a person's decisions, desires, and expectations, and explores some of the multiple reasons and realms in which people sometimes feel pulled to live as something other than their origins. As with her New York Times-bestselling debut The Mothers, Brit Bennett offers an engrossing page-turner about family and relationships that is immersive and provocative, compassionate and wise"--

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