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Catalyst Tekijä: Sarah Beth Durst

Catalyst (vuoden 2020 painos)

Tekijä: Sarah Beth Durst (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
412613,867 (4.6)-
Twelve-year-old Zoe's rescue kitten quickly becomes a giant, talking cat that Zoe and her friend Harrison must keep hidden, especially since there are rumors of other strange creatures in their town.
Teoksen nimi:Catalyst
Kirjailijat:Sarah Beth Durst (Tekijä)
Info:Clarion Books (2020), 320 pages
Kokoelmat:Aion lukea
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Cat Fiction


Catalyst (tekijä: Sarah Beth Durst)


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näyttää 2/2
Series Info/Source: This is a stand alone book. I borrowed a copy of this on audiobook from my library.

Thoughts: I listened to this on audiobook and it was a fun audiobook to listen to. It is a cute middle grade fantasy about family, friends, and magical animals. I have picked up a couple middle grade reads again lately and I am finding they just aren't for me, but that doesn't mean this wasn't a good story. I think I enjoyed middle grade reads more when my son was in that age group and also reading these types of books.

The story follows Zoe who finds a small kitten that she names Pipsqueak. She gets reluctant permission to keep Pipsqueak from her parents...and then Pipsqueak starts to grow and talk! Zoe has promised to take care of Pipsqueak and she ends up trying to hide the changes in Pipsqueak from her parents. Things get more complicated when other pets start displaying strange magical features as well.

This was a cute middle grade read. The magical animals were adorable. Zoe has a decent relationship with her family and a close friendship with Harrison, her best friend. The themes in the book are about taking responsibility for your commitments and coming of age. There is a lot about friendship and family and change as well. Zoe is very sad that her older brother is going off to college and has to learn that change can be a good thing.

There are some fun twists at the end of the book and I enjoyed finding out why the animals changed even if it felt a little far-fetched. This is definitely intended for a middle grade audience and I don't think adults will enjoy it as much. The writing pattern, concepts, and plot are fairly simple. It is a well written and fun read that I think kids of all ages will enjoy.

My Summary (4/5): Overall this isn't my favorite Durst book, I prefer her young adult and adult novels. However, it was a fun and cute read that I think kids will enjoy. There are positive messages throughout the story and the whole book has a positive feel in general. There's a lot in here about family, friendships and growing up...and of course a giant magical talking cat who was incredibly adorable! I probably won't pick up more of Durst's middle grade books, but I will definitely continue to seek out her adult and young adult novels. Durst is an excellent writer that I enjoy reading. ( )
  krau0098 | Jan 26, 2023 |
Lots of things are changing for almost 12-year-old Zoe. She's grown 4 inches and now towers over her best friend Harrison. Her brother Alex has graduated from high school and won a scholarship to a school in Paris. Her mother has taken a new job with the mayor's office. And her family is getting ready to start on a big remodeling project. Zoe wishes that things would just stay the same for a while.

Zoe has always been the kid who rescues animals in need. Her mom says she can't bring anymore home after the "skunk incident" though. When Zoe finds a tiny kitten between the garage and the garbage can, she doesn't quite know what to do. She decides to bring the kitten in and hide her in her room - just for the night. But she never expects what will happen next.

Zoe names the tiny kitten Pipsqueak and falls in love with her. She promises to always take care of her. So when her kitten starts to grown unusually fast, Zoe has quite a dilemma. Her parents agree to let her keep the kitten if she agrees to be completely responsible for its care. When the kitten grows to become a full size cat in three days and begins to talk, Zoe and Harrison don't know what to do.

It doesn't help that there have been sightings of other unusual animals including a green dog and a flying poodle which are bringing unwanted attention to Zoe's neighborhood. And Pipsqueak keeps growing. Zoe moves her to the garden shed when she gets to be the size of a large dog and still needs to keep her secret both from her family and from reporters who are looking for unusual animals.

Zoe wants to find a way to change Pipqueak back into an ordinary size cat and hopes her Aunt Alecia who believes in unusual things will be able to help her. But the two kids along with Pipsqueak, a rainbow colored mouse with wings, and the green dog have to find a way to travel the hundreds of miles to Aunt Alecia's house to get her help.

They all have lots of adventures and close calls as they find their way to Aunt Alecia's and then even farther into the White Mountains before they learn the secrets Aunt Alecia is keeping.

This was an excellent story about friendship and promises and the way things change even when you don't want the to. I loved the characters and the magic. ( )
  kmartin802 | May 24, 2020 |
näyttää 2/2
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Twelve-year-old Zoe's rescue kitten quickly becomes a giant, talking cat that Zoe and her friend Harrison must keep hidden, especially since there are rumors of other strange creatures in their town.

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