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A Doom with a View

Tekijä: Elise Sax

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7-2,384,290 (3.75)1
Matilda Dare still can't sleep. Since she's arrived in Goodnight, New Mexico, she's solved one murder and had more than one conversation with a dead woman. Obsessed with finding the woman's killer, she has to put that on hold when her newspaper receives a mysterious, coded letter. When the author of the letter winds up dead, Matilda is thrust into a mystery that puts her new friends into danger. The hunky Sheriff Goodnight and Matilda's hunky roommate Boone are along for the ride in this funny action adventure that might end up spelling lights out for Matilda.A Doom with a View is the second installment in the small town mystery romance Goodnight Mysteries series and a spinoff of the Matchmaker Mysteries. Goodnight...Sometimes sweet dreams end in murder."Elise Sax will win your heart."--New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis "Sax will make you laugh. Her larger-than-life characters jump off the page and make crazy seem like a fun place to hang out."--New York Times bestselling author Christie Craig"With quirky characters reminiscent of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series and a small-town heroine redolent of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse" --RT Book Reviews "Fans of laugh-out-loud romantic suspense will enjoy this new author as she joins the ranks of Janet Evanovich, Katie MacAllister, and Jennifer Crusie."--Booklist, on An Affair to Dismember… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatbooklady2031, bookymouse, jbriggs, leni.stuff

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Matilda Dare still can't sleep. Since she's arrived in Goodnight, New Mexico, she's solved one murder and had more than one conversation with a dead woman. Obsessed with finding the woman's killer, she has to put that on hold when her newspaper receives a mysterious, coded letter. When the author of the letter winds up dead, Matilda is thrust into a mystery that puts her new friends into danger. The hunky Sheriff Goodnight and Matilda's hunky roommate Boone are along for the ride in this funny action adventure that might end up spelling lights out for Matilda.A Doom with a View is the second installment in the small town mystery romance Goodnight Mysteries series and a spinoff of the Matchmaker Mysteries. Goodnight...Sometimes sweet dreams end in murder."Elise Sax will win your heart."--New York Times bestselling author Jill Shalvis "Sax will make you laugh. Her larger-than-life characters jump off the page and make crazy seem like a fun place to hang out."--New York Times bestselling author Christie Craig"With quirky characters reminiscent of Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series and a small-town heroine redolent of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse" --RT Book Reviews "Fans of laugh-out-loud romantic suspense will enjoy this new author as she joins the ranks of Janet Evanovich, Katie MacAllister, and Jennifer Crusie."--Booklist, on An Affair to Dismember

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