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The Black Flamingo Tekijä: Dean Atta

The Black Flamingo (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2020; vuoden 2021 painos)

Tekijä: Dean Atta (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
6592635,613 (4.3)15
Poetry. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

Stonewall Book Award Winner * A Time Magazine Best YA Book of All Time

A fierce coming-of-age verse novel about identity and the power of drag, from acclaimed poet and performer Dean Atta. Perfect for fans of Elizabeth Acevedo, Jason Reynolds, and Kacen Callender.

Michael is a mixed-race gay teen growing up in London. All his life, he's navigated what it means to be Greek-Cypriot and Jamaicanâ??but never quite feeling Greek or Black enough.

As he gets older, Michael's coming out is only the start of learning who he is and where he fits in. When he discovers the Drag Society, he finally finds where he belongsâ??and the Black Flamingo is born.

Told with raw honesty, insight, and lyricism, this debut explores the layers of identity that make us who we areâ??and allow us to shine.

"In this uplifting coming-of-age novel told in accessible verse, Atta chronicles the growth and glory of Michael Angeli, a mixed-race kid from London, as he navigates his cultural identity as Cypriot and Jamaican as well as his emerging sexuality." (Publishers Weekly, "An Anti-Racist Children's and YA Reading List")… (lisätietoja)

Teoksen nimi:The Black Flamingo
Kirjailijat:Dean Atta (Tekijä)
Info:Balzer Bray (2021), 416 pages
Kokoelmat:Recommended Fiction (YA)
Arvio (tähdet):


The Black Flamingo (tekijä: Dean Atta) (2020)

  1. 00
    The Knockout Queen (tekijä: Rufi Thorpe) (cmeblock)
    cmeblock: Teen Friendship, LGBTQ, Humor

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» Katso myös 15 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
This book is such a beautiful story that touches on issues that desperately need to be heard, especially in these times.

I can't wait to read more from Dean Atta! ( )
  tootall77hc | May 9, 2024 |
Gr 9 Up—Biracial Michael works through his identity, race, and sexuality as he finds himself through his drag
persona, the Black Flamingo, in this novel in verse. Michael's story reminds readers that being true to who you are is
what makes you truly fabulous.
  BackstoryBooks | Apr 2, 2024 |
DNF at 45%. I thought this would be because I love drag and novels in verse, but I just don’t think this book is for me. I saw the author read some of the poems on YouTube, and those poems were great, but I don’t think they represented the entirety of what I read. I’m sad to DNF this book because I haven’t got to the drag part yet, but the book is almost halfway done and it hasn’t even touched on the part that I was excited for, which was the drag. I just don’t think I can force myself to keep reading for that part when I haven’t even enjoyed what I’ve already read. I appreciated some of the discussions on identity and I hope that someone else will enjoy this, though!
  lizjenkins | Mar 10, 2024 |
I wasn't expecting the verse. I wasn't that into it in the first half but came around towards the end---maybe because Michael's poetry also gets better when he's in college. ( )
  caedocyon | Feb 23, 2024 |
Written in prose so it's a quick read ( )
  Fatula | Sep 25, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 26) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Poetry. Young Adult Fiction. Young Adult Literature. LGBTQIA+ (Fiction.) HTML:

Stonewall Book Award Winner * A Time Magazine Best YA Book of All Time

A fierce coming-of-age verse novel about identity and the power of drag, from acclaimed poet and performer Dean Atta. Perfect for fans of Elizabeth Acevedo, Jason Reynolds, and Kacen Callender.

Michael is a mixed-race gay teen growing up in London. All his life, he's navigated what it means to be Greek-Cypriot and Jamaicanâ??but never quite feeling Greek or Black enough.

As he gets older, Michael's coming out is only the start of learning who he is and where he fits in. When he discovers the Drag Society, he finally finds where he belongsâ??and the Black Flamingo is born.

Told with raw honesty, insight, and lyricism, this debut explores the layers of identity that make us who we areâ??and allow us to shine.

"In this uplifting coming-of-age novel told in accessible verse, Atta chronicles the growth and glory of Michael Angeli, a mixed-race kid from London, as he navigates his cultural identity as Cypriot and Jamaican as well as his emerging sexuality." (Publishers Weekly, "An Anti-Racist Children's and YA Reading List")

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (4.3)
1 1
2.5 1
3 13
3.5 3
4 48
4.5 2
5 55

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