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The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising…

The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising Trilogy) (vuoden 2019 painos)

Tekijä: Kiersten White (Tekijä)

Sarjat: Camelot Rising (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
8893624,431 (3.63)14
Fantasy. Mythology. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:"Fascinating. . . . Kiersten White has taken the best parts of the Arthurian legend and made them all her own."â??Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Wrath and the Dawn series.
A new fantasy series set in the world of Camelot that bestselling author Christina Lauren calls "brilliant," reimagining the Arthurian legend . . . where nothing is as magical and terrifying as a girl.

Princess Guinevere has come to Camelot to wed a stranger: the charismatic King Arthur. With magic clawing at the kingdom's borders, the great wizard Merlin conjured a solutionâ??send in Guinevere to be Arthur's wife . . . and his protector from those who want to see the young king's idyllic city fail. The catch? Guinevere's real nameâ??and her true identityâ??is a secret. She is a changeling, a girl who has given up everything to protect Camelot.
To keep Arthur safe, Guinevere must navigate a court in which the oldâ??including Arthur's own familyâ??demand things continue as they have been, and the newâ??those drawn by the dream of Camelotâ??fight for a better way to live. And always, in the green hearts of forests and the black depths of lakes, magic lies in wait to reclaim the land.
Deadly jousts, duplicitous knights, and forbidden romances are nothing compared to the greatest threat of all: the girl with the long black hair, riding on horseback through the dark woods toward Arthur. Because when your whole existence is a lie, how can you trust even yourself? *THE FIRST BOOK IN THE CAMELOT RISING TRILOGY*
"A rare and enviable mix of impeccable writing, heart-stopping action, lush scenery, and complex, relatable characters . . . brilliant!" â??New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren
"Stunning. . . . will leave every reader hungry for more." â??Somaiya Daud,
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Guinevere Deception (Camelot Rising Trilogy)
Kirjailijat:Kiersten White (Tekijä)
Info:Delacorte Press (2019), 352 pages
Kokoelmat:Read, Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):****
Avainsanoja:2019 Releases, Owlcrate, Series, Faecrate, Own Multiple Copies


The Guinevere Deception (tekijä: Kiersten White)


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» Katso myös 14 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 35) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Full review on my blog here: https://thedeborahembury.wordpress.com/2019/06/27/the-guinevere-deception-by-kie...

This is definitely a series I'm going to be continuing! ( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
You know what, I kinda enjoyed this. Like the wording was really weird but like I found it funny how awfully things were written so it was fine ( )
  salllamander | Feb 11, 2024 |
Con la magia que extiende sus garras por las fronteras del reino de Arturo, el emblemático mago Merlín tiene una solución: decide enviar a Ginebra para que se convierta en la esposa de Arturo, para que pueda protegerlos de aquellos que buscan la caída de la ciudad que gobierna el joven rey. ¿Cuál es la trampa? El verdadero nombre de Ginebra. Su identidad verdadera. Nadie la conoce realmente. Ella es una sustituta, una joven que ha sacrificado todo para salvar Camelot. Para mantener a Arturo a salvo, Ginebra debe abrirse camino en una corte donde los antiguos residentes, incluida la misma familia de Arturo, quieren que las cosas continúen siendo como siempre, y los nuevos, aquellos atraídos por el sueño de Camelot, luchan por una vida mejor. Y siempre, en el corazón verde del bosque y las negras profundidades de los lagos, la magia espera al acecho para reconquistar el reino. Justas mortales, falsos caballeros y romances prohibidos no pueden compararse con la amenaza más grande: la joven de largo pelo negro que cabalga a través de la foresta oscura hacia Arturo. Porque cuando toda su existencia es una mentira, no es posible confiar ni siquiera en uno mismo. ( )
  AmicanaLibrary | Jan 31, 2024 |
I am SO in love with Guinevere. This book is a new favorite for me. ( )
  ChaoticGoblin | Jan 23, 2024 |
I found this book to be such a refreshing take on the cam lot myths. I really found the pacing and storytelling elements to be super strong. I really was so engaged in the story. I also loved the main characters and the side characters that populated this world. I really also like how kiersten took the myths and turned it on its head. This book was such a unexpected suprise. I really also loved the other POV that was included throughout this read. I also enjoyed the ending and really was impressed with it. I feel like that this book just scratched the surface and and super excited to see where this series goes in the future. ( )
  lmauro123 | Dec 28, 2023 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 35) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Katso lisäohjeita Common Knowledge -sivuilta (englanniksi).
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Ensimmäiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
There was nothing in the world as magical and terrifying as a girl on the cusp on womanhood.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
There was good, and there was evil, but there was so much space between the two.
Women are strongest when bearing one another’s pain. We each take a little on ourselves. No one dies, and we all heal together.
Viimeiset sanat
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
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Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fantasy. Mythology. Historical Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:"Fascinating. . . . Kiersten White has taken the best parts of the Arthurian legend and made them all her own."â??Renée Ahdieh, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Wrath and the Dawn series.
A new fantasy series set in the world of Camelot that bestselling author Christina Lauren calls "brilliant," reimagining the Arthurian legend . . . where nothing is as magical and terrifying as a girl.

Princess Guinevere has come to Camelot to wed a stranger: the charismatic King Arthur. With magic clawing at the kingdom's borders, the great wizard Merlin conjured a solutionâ??send in Guinevere to be Arthur's wife . . . and his protector from those who want to see the young king's idyllic city fail. The catch? Guinevere's real nameâ??and her true identityâ??is a secret. She is a changeling, a girl who has given up everything to protect Camelot.
To keep Arthur safe, Guinevere must navigate a court in which the oldâ??including Arthur's own familyâ??demand things continue as they have been, and the newâ??those drawn by the dream of Camelotâ??fight for a better way to live. And always, in the green hearts of forests and the black depths of lakes, magic lies in wait to reclaim the land.
Deadly jousts, duplicitous knights, and forbidden romances are nothing compared to the greatest threat of all: the girl with the long black hair, riding on horseback through the dark woods toward Arthur. Because when your whole existence is a lie, how can you trust even yourself? *THE FIRST BOOK IN THE CAMELOT RISING TRILOGY*
"A rare and enviable mix of impeccable writing, heart-stopping action, lush scenery, and complex, relatable characters . . . brilliant!" â??New York Times bestselling author Christina Lauren
"Stunning. . . . will leave every reader hungry for more." â??Somaiya Daud,

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1 1
2 10
2.5 3
3 26
3.5 7
4 41
4.5 1
5 17

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