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Putting the Pieces in Place and Literary Remains

Tekijä: R. B. Russell

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The five stories that made up R.B. Russell's debut collection, Putting the Pieces in Place, were described on first publication as demonstrating 'a subtle mastery of the macabre. Enigmatic and enticing, they combine a pleasing respect for the great tradition of supernatural fiction with a chilling contemporary European resonance.' Literary Remains was described as a collection that displayed how 'love and loss tear at the fabric of everyday life and distort reality. What was once objectively familiar is tainted by uncertainty, and soon everything becomes subtly and terrifyingly altered. In Russell's stories even the present appears to be open to misunderstanding. .. . When those around you insist that they see the world differently at least you can argue with them. But when you realise that you cannot rely on your own senses then the world becomes a terrifying place indeed. 'Ray Russell's stories are captivating for their depth of mystery and haunting melancholy.' -Thomas Ligotti… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatpaupersgrave, Phobophore, Crypto-Willobie

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The five stories that made up R.B. Russell's debut collection, Putting the Pieces in Place, were described on first publication as demonstrating 'a subtle mastery of the macabre. Enigmatic and enticing, they combine a pleasing respect for the great tradition of supernatural fiction with a chilling contemporary European resonance.' Literary Remains was described as a collection that displayed how 'love and loss tear at the fabric of everyday life and distort reality. What was once objectively familiar is tainted by uncertainty, and soon everything becomes subtly and terrifyingly altered. In Russell's stories even the present appears to be open to misunderstanding. .. . When those around you insist that they see the world differently at least you can argue with them. But when you realise that you cannot rely on your own senses then the world becomes a terrifying place indeed. 'Ray Russell's stories are captivating for their depth of mystery and haunting melancholy.' -Thomas Ligotti

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