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The Secrets of Primrose Square Tekijä:…

The Secrets of Primrose Square (vuoden 2018 painos)

Tekijä: Claudia Carroll (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2021,106,904 (3.63)-
There are so many stories hidden behind closed doors. It's late at night and the rain is pouring down on the Dublin city streets. A mother is grieving for her dead child. She stands silently outside the home of the teenage boy she believes responsible. She watches. In a kitchen on the same square, a girl waits anxiously for her mum to come home. She knows exactly where she is, but she knows she cannot reach her. A few doors down, a widow sits alone in her room. She has just delivered a bombshell to her family during dinner and her life is about to change forever. And an aspiring theatre director has just moved in to a flat across the street. Her landlord is absent, but there are already things about him that don't quite add up. Welcome to Primrose Square!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:The Secrets of Primrose Square
Kirjailijat:Claudia Carroll (Tekijä)
Info:Zaffre (2018)
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
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The Secrets of Primrose Square (tekijä: Claudia Carroll)


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näyttää 2/2
This is a book you can read fairly rapidly because the writing is smooth and natural. It's a story mainly about women of different ages and they are very different from one another. They are not stereotypical so we get to find out more about them as the story develops rather than guessing at first glimpse. What they have in common is that they are all strong women.

Another ever-present character is the author's picture of Dublin itself, an historic and much-loved city.

The lives of the characters, their interactions and their journeys through grief and dilemmas is quite fascinating. The women themselves find each other of huge interest and mostly have good-hearted intentions. This gives a warm feeling which offsets some of the more stark and tragic aspects of their lives. It's always rather lovely when characters we like manage to resolve their situations to achieve the happiness we feel they deserve.

What puzzled me, however, was the use of a technique found more usually in mysteries, with the writer holding back from the reader important parts of a character's background and even some history already well known to many of the characters. ( )
  urutherford | Jul 26, 2018 |
The publisher’s blurb promises that there are many stories behind the closed doors of Primrose Square, Dublin and this novel follows four main characters. Susan is trying to come to terms with the death, almost a year earlier, of her elder teenage daughter, Ella. She believes that Ella’s boyfriend was responsible and spends hours standing outside his house, just watching, even though she is constantly being moved on by the police. Whilst she is obsessed with her vigil, or virtually comatose as a result of her addiction to tranquillisers, her twelve-year-old younger daughter Melissa is trying to keep up a semblance of normality at home. She misses her big sister and would like to be able to help her mother but feels powerless to do so. She also misses her father who is in the army and posted abroad; although she speaks to him every day she feels she must pretend that everything is alright at home, that she and her mother are OK. She has become very good at pretending. Elderly widow Jayne, lives next door and tries to offer whatever support she can to Melissa and Susan but she has recently met someone else and needs to share this momentous news with her selfish son and self-obsessed daughter in law. Nancy is a young, aspiring theatre director who has taken a job in Dublin to escape a scandal in London and lives in fear that her past will catch up with her.
The story follows these main characters as their relationships develop and as each confronts and comes to terms with the challenges and changes they are facing. At its heart it is a story about the power of female friendships, how people deal with personal crises and change, the need for honesty in relationships and the need for people to take risks if they are to move forward. I thought that the author manged to create reasonably credible characters to carry her explorations of family relationships, loss, grief and the mourning process. This was helped by the fact that the story was told from multiple perspectives, a literary device which enabled past events to be revealed in a gradual and, occasionally, surprising way. Although there were moments when I started to feel that the characters were in danger of becoming stereotypical, on balance I think that the author just managed to avoid this pitfall! There were some enjoyable moments of humour, especially when Jayne had conversations with Tom, her late husband whose ashes were in an urn on a shelf above the television! However, although the cover of the book might suggest this is just a feel-good, light-hearted read, it is in fact a surprisingly thought-provoking and insightful story which explores some dark themes.
With thanks to Real Readers/Zaffre Publishing for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  linda.a. | Jul 18, 2018 |
näyttää 2/2
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There are so many stories hidden behind closed doors. It's late at night and the rain is pouring down on the Dublin city streets. A mother is grieving for her dead child. She stands silently outside the home of the teenage boy she believes responsible. She watches. In a kitchen on the same square, a girl waits anxiously for her mum to come home. She knows exactly where she is, but she knows she cannot reach her. A few doors down, a widow sits alone in her room. She has just delivered a bombshell to her family during dinner and her life is about to change forever. And an aspiring theatre director has just moved in to a flat across the street. Her landlord is absent, but there are already things about him that don't quite add up. Welcome to Primrose Square!

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Keskiarvo: (3.63)
3 1
3.5 1
4 2

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