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Brief Insights on Mastering the Bible: 80 Expert Insights, Explained in a Single Minute (60-Second Scholar Series)

Tekijä: Michael S. Heiser

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The Bible was written for us - but not to us. We're not part of the ancient world that informed its writers. We're strangers to their ideas, experiences, and worldview. Because we're cultural and historical outsiders, what we read in the Bible can often be perplexing and impenetrable. But take heart. Clear comprehension of what's in the Bible isn't a lost cause. In this 60 Second Scholar book, biblical scholar Michael S. Heiser reveals the most indispensable insights for understanding the Bible. Brief Insights on Mastering the Bible presents readers with a straightforward but audacious proposition: Grasping these insights will mean comprehending Scripture more clearly than you ever have before. You don't need to time travel to understand Scripture, but you do need directions.… (lisätietoja)

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The Bible was written for us - but not to us. We're not part of the ancient world that informed its writers. We're strangers to their ideas, experiences, and worldview. Because we're cultural and historical outsiders, what we read in the Bible can often be perplexing and impenetrable. But take heart. Clear comprehension of what's in the Bible isn't a lost cause. In this 60 Second Scholar book, biblical scholar Michael S. Heiser reveals the most indispensable insights for understanding the Bible. Brief Insights on Mastering the Bible presents readers with a straightforward but audacious proposition: Grasping these insights will mean comprehending Scripture more clearly than you ever have before. You don't need to time travel to understand Scripture, but you do need directions.

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