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Christology : true God, true man

Tekijä: Matthias Neuman

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
85-319,759 (3)-
Christology: True God, True Man is a thorough presentation of the convictions at the heart of Roman Catholic Christology. Examining faith, reasoning and history as they bear on the question, "Who is this Jesus?" this booklet provides a resource for guiding catechists to a clearer knowledge of Jesus Christ.nbsp; Catholic Basics: A Pastoral Ministry Series offers an in-depth yet accessible understanding of the fundamentals of the Catholic faith for adults, both those active in pastoral ministry and those preparing for ministry. The series helps readers explore the Catholic tradition and apply what they have learned to their lives and ministry situations. Includes study questions and suggestions for further reading. nbsp; Because of the intense media-driven culture of American ­society, many people have a hard time differentiating between these images of Jesus Christ. They wonder which one is true. Often, their own views wind up a mixture of disparate elements. This struggle may even be the case with people raised in one particular Christian tradition. Chances are they have seen several contrasting images on television and in movies even before beginning formal religious education. This dilemma causes no small challenge for pastoral ministers, who must not only accurately convey the Catholic Church's teaching but also deal deftly with the myriad other images of Jesus Christ--and clearly show the difference. --From the introduction Christology: True God, True Man addresses Standards #520.01-520.04, 520.07, 520.08, 520.17, 520.19, and 532.304. nbsp;… (lisätietoja)

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Christology: True God, True Man is a thorough presentation of the convictions at the heart of Roman Catholic Christology. Examining faith, reasoning and history as they bear on the question, "Who is this Jesus?" this booklet provides a resource for guiding catechists to a clearer knowledge of Jesus Christ.nbsp; Catholic Basics: A Pastoral Ministry Series offers an in-depth yet accessible understanding of the fundamentals of the Catholic faith for adults, both those active in pastoral ministry and those preparing for ministry. The series helps readers explore the Catholic tradition and apply what they have learned to their lives and ministry situations. Includes study questions and suggestions for further reading. nbsp; Because of the intense media-driven culture of American ­society, many people have a hard time differentiating between these images of Jesus Christ. They wonder which one is true. Often, their own views wind up a mixture of disparate elements. This struggle may even be the case with people raised in one particular Christian tradition. Chances are they have seen several contrasting images on television and in movies even before beginning formal religious education. This dilemma causes no small challenge for pastoral ministers, who must not only accurately convey the Catholic Church's teaching but also deal deftly with the myriad other images of Jesus Christ--and clearly show the difference. --From the introduction Christology: True God, True Man addresses Standards #520.01-520.04, 520.07, 520.08, 520.17, 520.19, and 532.304. nbsp;

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