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Show Trial: Hollywood, HUAC, and the Birth of the Blacklist

Tekijä: Thomas Doherty

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
45-559,400 (3.5)-
History. Performing Arts. Politics. Nonfiction. HTML:

In 1947, the Cold War came to Hollywood. Over nine tumultuous days in October, the House Un-American Activities Committee held a notorious round of hearings into alleged Communist subversion in the movie industry. The blowback was profound: the major studios pledged to never again employ a known Communist or unrepentant fellow traveler. The declaration marked the onset of the blacklist era, a time when political allegiances, real or suspected, determined employment opportunities in the entertainment industry. Hundreds of artists were shown the doorâ??or had it shut in their faces.

In Show Trial, Thomas Doherty takes us behind the scenes at the first full-on media-political spectacle of the postwar era. He details the theatrical elements of a proceeding that bridged the realms of entertainment and politics, a courtroom drama starring glamorous actors, colorful moguls, on-the-make congressmen, high-priced lawyers, single-minded investigators, and recalcitrant screenwriters, all recorded by newsreel cameras and broadcast over radio. Doherty tells the story of the Hollywood Ten and the other witnesses, friendly and unfriendly, who testified, and chronicles the implementation of the postwar blacklist. Show Trial is a rich, character-driven inquiry into how the HUAC hearings ignited the anti-Communist crackdown in Hollywood, providing a gripping cultural history of one of the most transformative events of the postwar era.… (lisätietoja)


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Tiedot englanninkielisestä Yhteisestä tiedosta. Muokkaa kotoistaaksesi se omalle kielellesi.
In 1947 the Cold War came to, or rather was declared on, Hollywood. The year would see a parade of stoic motion picture personalities trudging up Capitol Hill, testifying before hostile committees, and entering into the pages of the Congressional Record. When the power center that was Washington discovered the publicity magnet that was Hollywood, the resulting headlines could only cement the relationship. -Introduction: Program Notes
Given the climate of the times - the shaodw of the Great Depression, the backfire from World War II, and the atmospherics of the emergent Cold War - the face-off between Washington and Hollywood staged in October 1947 seems preordained, a perfect storm converging with the predictability of an end-reel clinch - or, to borrow another dialectic, clashing with the kind of "historical inevitability" that the unfriendly witnesses were so fond of. A major confrontation had been brewing for at least a decade and, after the hiatus born of mutual advantage during the late war, an ugly showdown arrived right on schedule. -Chapter 1, How the Popular Front Became Unpopular
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History. Performing Arts. Politics. Nonfiction. HTML:

In 1947, the Cold War came to Hollywood. Over nine tumultuous days in October, the House Un-American Activities Committee held a notorious round of hearings into alleged Communist subversion in the movie industry. The blowback was profound: the major studios pledged to never again employ a known Communist or unrepentant fellow traveler. The declaration marked the onset of the blacklist era, a time when political allegiances, real or suspected, determined employment opportunities in the entertainment industry. Hundreds of artists were shown the doorâ??or had it shut in their faces.

In Show Trial, Thomas Doherty takes us behind the scenes at the first full-on media-political spectacle of the postwar era. He details the theatrical elements of a proceeding that bridged the realms of entertainment and politics, a courtroom drama starring glamorous actors, colorful moguls, on-the-make congressmen, high-priced lawyers, single-minded investigators, and recalcitrant screenwriters, all recorded by newsreel cameras and broadcast over radio. Doherty tells the story of the Hollywood Ten and the other witnesses, friendly and unfriendly, who testified, and chronicles the implementation of the postwar blacklist. Show Trial is a rich, character-driven inquiry into how the HUAC hearings ignited the anti-Communist crackdown in Hollywood, providing a gripping cultural history of one of the most transformative events of the postwar era.

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