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Horses! (Animal Planet Chapter Books #5)…

Horses! (Animal Planet Chapter Books #5) (vuoden 2018 painos)

Tekijä: Animal Planet (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1811,202,773 (5)-
Presents facts about horses, describing what they eat, different breeds, how they care for their young, and how they relate with humans.
Teoksen nimi:Horses! (Animal Planet Chapter Books #5)
Kirjailijat:Animal Planet (Tekijä)
Info:TI Inc. Books (2018), Edition: -, 112 pages
Kokoelmat:YCS Library
Arvio (tähdet):


Horses! (tekijä: Brenda Scott Royce (Author))


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This is a great non-fiction book geared to young readers. The images and illustrations are amazing and give even more information in the captions. There is so much information in this book that youngsters will need to read this in several sittings. From birth, family life, food, appearances, breeds, uses etc. it is all here. There are sections called Fact Files that give more facts and often compare horses to other animals. There are 12 chapters and 4 sections called Horse Sense each covering a different topic. I learned things about horses that I did not know and with the pronunciation guides, found there were words I had been pronouncing incorrectly all these years. There are also resources listed at the back of the book for further study.

This is a good book for young readers to learn about horses. This seems to be a topic that is always of interest to children due to the beauty of these animals. I recommend this book to school, classroom and public libraries. This would be a great book for those reluctant readers as it does not seem like you are reading when going through this book. The publisher generously provided me with a copy of this book via Netgalley. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Feb 5, 2019 |
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Presents facts about horses, describing what they eat, different breeds, how they care for their young, and how they relate with humans.

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