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Romance Under the Mistletoe: A Collection of Christmas Tales

Tekijä: Grace Burrowes (Avustaja), Anna Campbell (Avustaja), Tanya Anne Crosby (Avustaja), Julie Johnstone (Avustaja), Eliza Knight (Avustaja)1 lisää, Kathryn Le Veque (Avustaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
The promise of true love echoes down the centuries in this dazzling collection of Christmas romances from six of today¿s New York Times and USA Today¿s bestselling authors! Whether for a noble medieval knight, a dashing Regency gentleman, an irresistible Victorian magnate, or a charming Scottish visitor to today¿s New York, mistletoe magic provides the perfect heroine for an affair to remember.PATIENCE FOR CHRISTMAS by Grace Burrowes: Patience Friendly makes her living writing advice columns that are the talk of Regency London, but when she falls for Dougal MacHugh, her irascible Scottish publisher, common sense is not what's needed!HER CHRISTMAS EARL by Anna Campbell: To protect her hen-witted sister from scandal, Philippa Sanders ventures into a rake¿s bedroom on Christmas Eve - now her reputation hangs by a thread, and only a hurried marriage can save her.MISCHIEF & MISTLETOE by Tanya Anne Crosby: Suspecting he can never be the man Emma Peters wishes him to be, Lucien Morgen, the fifth duke of Willyngham, decides to break off their long-standing engagement... only to discover the innocent fiancé he set aside for years has unexpectedly blossomed into a passionate, irresistible woman.CHRISTMAS IN THE SCOT¿S ARMS by Julie Johnstone: A Scot looking for love and a lass needing saving discover Christmas wishes do come true in each other's arms.A KILTED CHRISTMAS WISH by Eliza Knight: Present Day, NYC. Darla Strider wonders if she¿ll ever meet her own kilted hero until the day Aaron Sutherland walks into her modern café, and changes her whole world.UPON A MIDNIGHT DREAM by Kathryn Le Veque: A wandering knight and a broken lady come together for a romantic Christmas miracle.Your invitation to delightful Holiday reading awaits in this breathtakingly romantic anthology. `Tis the season to surrender to temptation!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatmvr1426, sweetfe, moranmc

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Burrowes, GraceAvustajaensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Campbell, AnnaAvustajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Crosby, Tanya AnneAvustajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Johnstone, JulieAvustajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Knight, ElizaAvustajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Le Veque, KathrynAvustajapäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
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The promise of true love echoes down the centuries in this dazzling collection of Christmas romances from six of today¿s New York Times and USA Today¿s bestselling authors! Whether for a noble medieval knight, a dashing Regency gentleman, an irresistible Victorian magnate, or a charming Scottish visitor to today¿s New York, mistletoe magic provides the perfect heroine for an affair to remember.PATIENCE FOR CHRISTMAS by Grace Burrowes: Patience Friendly makes her living writing advice columns that are the talk of Regency London, but when she falls for Dougal MacHugh, her irascible Scottish publisher, common sense is not what's needed!HER CHRISTMAS EARL by Anna Campbell: To protect her hen-witted sister from scandal, Philippa Sanders ventures into a rake¿s bedroom on Christmas Eve - now her reputation hangs by a thread, and only a hurried marriage can save her.MISCHIEF & MISTLETOE by Tanya Anne Crosby: Suspecting he can never be the man Emma Peters wishes him to be, Lucien Morgen, the fifth duke of Willyngham, decides to break off their long-standing engagement... only to discover the innocent fiancé he set aside for years has unexpectedly blossomed into a passionate, irresistible woman.CHRISTMAS IN THE SCOT¿S ARMS by Julie Johnstone: A Scot looking for love and a lass needing saving discover Christmas wishes do come true in each other's arms.A KILTED CHRISTMAS WISH by Eliza Knight: Present Day, NYC. Darla Strider wonders if she¿ll ever meet her own kilted hero until the day Aaron Sutherland walks into her modern café, and changes her whole world.UPON A MIDNIGHT DREAM by Kathryn Le Veque: A wandering knight and a broken lady come together for a romantic Christmas miracle.Your invitation to delightful Holiday reading awaits in this breathtakingly romantic anthology. `Tis the season to surrender to temptation!

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