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Higher than Everest: An Adventurer's Guide to the Solar System

Tekijä: Paul Hodge

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
15-1,380,075 (3)-
Few challenges remain for Earth-bound adventurers, but do not fear - the Solar System abounds with weird and wonderful places to explore. In this unique guidebook, Paul Hodge takes us on a tour of the most spectacular sites in the Solar System. His vivid descriptions of the challenges provide a compelling introduction to extra-terrestrial environments. Starting with a climb of Mars' Mt. Olympus, much higher than Everest, you will be taken on imaginary expeditions to such exotic places as the Moon's Alpine Valley, Venus' precipitous and scorching Mt. Maxwell, a table mountain on Io, the snows of Saturn's rings and Miranda's incredibly high, icy cliff. You will be treated to a descent into a fabulous canyon on Mars, one that dwarfs the Earth's Grand Canyon, and will explore the rock lakes and terraces of Copernicus, a giant crater on the Moon. Who knows - one day these adventures may really be done!… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatqcxp, ASVLIB, Saltraker, griffinm, bookem.mobi, JNSelko

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Few challenges remain for Earth-bound adventurers, but do not fear - the Solar System abounds with weird and wonderful places to explore. In this unique guidebook, Paul Hodge takes us on a tour of the most spectacular sites in the Solar System. His vivid descriptions of the challenges provide a compelling introduction to extra-terrestrial environments. Starting with a climb of Mars' Mt. Olympus, much higher than Everest, you will be taken on imaginary expeditions to such exotic places as the Moon's Alpine Valley, Venus' precipitous and scorching Mt. Maxwell, a table mountain on Io, the snows of Saturn's rings and Miranda's incredibly high, icy cliff. You will be treated to a descent into a fabulous canyon on Mars, one that dwarfs the Earth's Grand Canyon, and will explore the rock lakes and terraces of Copernicus, a giant crater on the Moon. Who knows - one day these adventures may really be done!

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