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Sound design for low and no budget films

Tekijä: Patrick Winters

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"Don't let your indie film be sabotaged by bad sound! One of the weakest technical aspects of a low or no budget short or feature film is usually the sound, and in Sound Design for Low and No Budget Films, author Patrick Winters explains what filmmakers need to do to fix that. Learn how to improve the sound quality of your low budget film with specific tools and practices for achieving a better sound track, including detailed, step-by-step explanations of how to edit your production track, create a sound design, record and edit ADR, Foley and sound effects,music, and much more. Focusing on the essential details indie filmmakers need to know, Winters teaches you how to turn a thin and distracting sound track into one that makes your film shine. This practical guide offers: In-depth focus on hands-on, step-by-step instruction for achieving great sound in post-production, including recording and editing sound effects, ADR and Foley - even without expensive equipment and software. Techniques specifically designed for low and no budget projects, perfect for both students and aspiring indie filmmakers. A simple and direct style that any aspiring filmmaker or student can understand without already knowing the industry jargon."--Provided by publisher.… (lisätietoja)
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"Don't let your indie film be sabotaged by bad sound! One of the weakest technical aspects of a low or no budget short or feature film is usually the sound, and in Sound Design for Low and No Budget Films, author Patrick Winters explains what filmmakers need to do to fix that. Learn how to improve the sound quality of your low budget film with specific tools and practices for achieving a better sound track, including detailed, step-by-step explanations of how to edit your production track, create a sound design, record and edit ADR, Foley and sound effects,music, and much more. Focusing on the essential details indie filmmakers need to know, Winters teaches you how to turn a thin and distracting sound track into one that makes your film shine. This practical guide offers: In-depth focus on hands-on, step-by-step instruction for achieving great sound in post-production, including recording and editing sound effects, ADR and Foley - even without expensive equipment and software. Techniques specifically designed for low and no budget projects, perfect for both students and aspiring indie filmmakers. A simple and direct style that any aspiring filmmaker or student can understand without already knowing the industry jargon."--Provided by publisher.

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