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Five Fortunes

Tekijä: Phil Geusz

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A fortune can be many things. It can be wealth that you earn through hard work, win by chance, steal by cunning, or even lose through tragedy. Good fortune may smile upon some, making everything in their lives easier, while ill fortune may curse others to walk lonely, bitter roads. Or fortune can be your fate, foretold by cards, predetermined by the stars, divined in tea leavings, or reading the signs and portents. One man will remake himself into a rabbit to forge a new life. A lioness will pursue her desire to be a hunter at all costs. A wolf will struggle against her nature, only to find that even counting money can be dangerous. A cat will fall in love with a dog, and both will find that means more than anyone could imagine. And a feline will journey across the stars in the hope of escape the misfortunes of his past. This anthology contains novellas by the authors Phil Geuze, Renee Carter Hall, Watts Martin, Mary E. Lowd, and Bernad Doove.… (lisätietoja)
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A fortune can be many things. It can be wealth that you earn through hard work, win by chance, steal by cunning, or even lose through tragedy. Good fortune may smile upon some, making everything in their lives easier, while ill fortune may curse others to walk lonely, bitter roads. Or fortune can be your fate, foretold by cards, predetermined by the stars, divined in tea leavings, or reading the signs and portents. One man will remake himself into a rabbit to forge a new life. A lioness will pursue her desire to be a hunter at all costs. A wolf will struggle against her nature, only to find that even counting money can be dangerous. A cat will fall in love with a dog, and both will find that means more than anyone could imagine. And a feline will journey across the stars in the hope of escape the misfortunes of his past. This anthology contains novellas by the authors Phil Geuze, Renee Carter Hall, Watts Martin, Mary E. Lowd, and Bernad Doove.

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