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South Park - Timmy [VHS]

Tekijä: Trey Parker

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Timmy 2000: When Timmy is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, it triggers a wave of prescription drug abuse at South Park Elementary. 4th grade: The boys are in the 4th grade but they miss the joys of 3rd grade, so they come up with a daring complicated plan to travel back in time a year, with the help of Timmy and his electric wheelchair. Hellen Keller, the musical: The Thanksgiving play is in trouble and Stan, Klye and Kenny are going to great lengths to make the production a hit while Timmy tries his hardest to show the other kids that his new pet turkey can be the star of their show. Tooth Fairy's tats 2000: When Cartman discovers that the Tooth Fairy is paying a premium price for his lost teeth, he seizes the opportunity to make some cash.… (lisätietoja)

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Timmy 2000: When Timmy is diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder, it triggers a wave of prescription drug abuse at South Park Elementary. 4th grade: The boys are in the 4th grade but they miss the joys of 3rd grade, so they come up with a daring complicated plan to travel back in time a year, with the help of Timmy and his electric wheelchair. Hellen Keller, the musical: The Thanksgiving play is in trouble and Stan, Klye and Kenny are going to great lengths to make the production a hit while Timmy tries his hardest to show the other kids that his new pet turkey can be the star of their show. Tooth Fairy's tats 2000: When Cartman discovers that the Tooth Fairy is paying a premium price for his lost teeth, he seizes the opportunity to make some cash.

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