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Beloved Outcast

Tekijä: Victoria Thompson

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:From Romantic Times Career Achievement Award Winner and New York Times bestseller Victoria Thompson, a magnificent historical romance set in Texas.
"Ms. Thompson imbues her characters with strength, eloquence and dignity." â??Romantic Times
Molly Wade has loved Ben Cantrell since the moment he defended her honor in the schoolroom. Now that she's a young woman, her feelings for the handsome rancher have grown deeperâ??and more urgent.
But something always stood between themâ??a dark heritage that made him an outcast in Texas. Now the ghost of that heritage returns to turn Ben Cantrell from a loner into a wanted man. Molly is the only person who can prove Ben's innocence, but if she speaks out, will she too be outcast?
And is it possible for two people in love to make peace with the
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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:From Romantic Times Career Achievement Award Winner and New York Times bestseller Victoria Thompson, a magnificent historical romance set in Texas.
"Ms. Thompson imbues her characters with strength, eloquence and dignity." â??Romantic Times
Molly Wade has loved Ben Cantrell since the moment he defended her honor in the schoolroom. Now that she's a young woman, her feelings for the handsome rancher have grown deeperâ??and more urgent.
But something always stood between themâ??a dark heritage that made him an outcast in Texas. Now the ghost of that heritage returns to turn Ben Cantrell from a loner into a wanted man. Molly is the only person who can prove Ben's innocence, but if she speaks out, will she too be outcast?
And is it possible for two people in love to make peace with the

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