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London Ghost Story

Tekijä: Greg James

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
John Greyerson is the same as you and me. He gets up in the morning. He goes to a tedious dayjob. He goes home afterwards and tries to forget about what his life has become. Every day the same. Not much changes. Little worth living for. John Greyerson is not quite the same as you and me. He has met a ghost. Her name is Daria Lee and she has introduced him to the strange, twilight world which exists between sanity and nightmare, love and hate, sex and death. John Greyerson is nothing at all like you and me. He has fallen in love with a ghost. He has also discovered that not only do the dead haunt the living but the living also haunt the dead - and no-one can be truly sure of what is real and what is not.… (lisätietoja)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


John Greyerson is the same as you and me. He gets up in the morning. He goes to a tedious dayjob. He goes home afterwards and tries to forget about what his life has become. Every day the same. Not much changes. Little worth living for. John Greyerson is not quite the same as you and me. He has met a ghost. Her name is Daria Lee and she has introduced him to the strange, twilight world which exists between sanity and nightmare, love and hate, sex and death. John Greyerson is nothing at all like you and me. He has fallen in love with a ghost. He has also discovered that not only do the dead haunt the living but the living also haunt the dead - and no-one can be truly sure of what is real and what is not.

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