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Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for…

Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back (vuoden 2017 painos)

Tekijä: Izabella Wentz PharmD (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
804338,330 (3.58)-
Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller Dr. Izabella Wentz, the author of the phenomenal New York Times bestseller Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, returns with a long-awaited, groundbreaking prescription to reverse the symptoms of this serious autoimmune condition that is becoming one of the country's fastest growing diseases. More than thirty-five million Americans currently suffer from Hashimoto's-an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland and causes the body to attack its own cells. To alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating condition-including chronic cough, acid reflux, IBS, allergies, chronic pain, hair loss, brain fog, and forgetfulness-patients are often prescribed synthetic hormones that have numerous life-altering side effects. But there is a better way. Diagnosed with Hashimoto's at twenty-seven, pharmacist Dr. Izabella Wentz knows first-hand the effects of the disease, as well as the value-and limitations-of medication. The key to improved health, she argues, involves lifestyle interventions. In Hashimoto's Protocol, she outlines a proven treatment that has helped thousands heal and many others feel better-in as fast as ninety days. Drawing on her own personal experience as well as her work consulting with thousands of patients, Hashimoto's Protocol offers a practical pathway for healing and reversing the autoimmune damage at the root of the disease. The first step is a quick-start two-week detox that includes foods to eat and inflammatory foods to avoid, advice on supplements to support the liver, and an adrenal recovery plan. Next, readers create a personalized plan with foods, supplements, and other lifestyle interventions tailored to their body's own unique Hashimoto's triggers, which they can identify using self-tests included in the book. Hashimoto's Protocol also features original recipes. Grounded in the latest science, Hashimoto's Protocol is the first book to offer a proven protocol by an acknowledged expert in the field to treat this condition and help sufferers reclaim their lives.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back
Kirjailijat:Izabella Wentz PharmD (Tekijä)
Info:HarperOne (2017), Edition: 1, 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Health - Hashimoto's, Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Hashimoto's Protocol: A 90-Day Plan for Reversing Thyroid Symptoms and Getting Your Life Back (tekijä: Izabella Wentz)


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näyttää 4/4
While this was an informative, helpful read, I found myself tiring of it about halfway through and had to really push myself to finish.

It became quite repetitive, and didn't seem very well organized (Wentz would begin on a topic but then say "but we'll get into that more later," and completely change topics). Because of the repetition, it was way too long, despite the fact that Wentz was constantly referring readers to her website for more complete information.

I also became frustrated with her attitude at different points throughout the book. For instance, she seemed to minimize the enormity and difficulty of the financial expense required to recover from chronic illness. She never mentions that financial stress could have been a major trigger in developing Hashimoto's in the first place (though she mentions many other stresses) and never touches on the fact that chronic illness may be keeping people from holding a job. Apparently, she managed to keep her job (and keep in mind, she's a pharmacist...) even throughout her illness and her husband also works, so it seems as if she has not struggled financially and can't understand why anyone else would. She even berates those who refuse to pay for treatments that their insurance won't cover - never acknowledging that these people may not have any cash to do so! It was such a huge oversight that I think will alienate many readers, as it did me.

(Note: There were also several references to evolution.) ( )
  RachelRachelRachel | Nov 21, 2023 |
JFC if I didn’t think I was dying, I definitely would after reading this. It had a lot of good information but too much to actually deal with. Any symptom you can think of is likely covered in here which is overwhelming. The amount spent on supplements alone seems extreme, and it’s all way too much work to figure out. I might come back to it sometime after I look up WTF a biological dentist is. ( )
  spinsterrevival | Sep 20, 2020 |
I suppose what one person would call thorough another person would call long winded. I am in group two. I never thought this book would end. I understand that she wanted to cover every possible illness under the sun with a variety of things to try, buy and test, but it was over the top for me.

I have not been officially diagnosed, but I obtained the book because I have had massive hair loss for 11 years now and nothing has helped, it could be from menopause, female pattern baldness or even the Depakote I took for years.

One thing that was especially off-putting was not only the huge amount of money one has to be prepared to lay out, whether they can afford it or not in tests, supplements and prescriptions, was that the supplements she recommended most often were her own and an extremely expensive brand called Encapsulations.

I am no stranger to supplements, homeopathic, Ayurvedic, minerals, vitamins, etc but tend to use quality companies like Country life, NOW, Twinlab, which are more affordable.

Maybe this book will help tons of people, to me it was just too much. ( )
  REINADECOPIAYPEGA | Jan 11, 2018 |
I won this in a GOODREADS giveaway -- Loads of good information presented in an easy-to-reference layout. No complex medical jargon to decipher as any given are explained. Appears well researched with a detailed bibliography. I will be passing this on to a friend who can really use this now... ( )
  tenamouse67 | Jan 6, 2018 |
näyttää 4/4
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Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller Dr. Izabella Wentz, the author of the phenomenal New York Times bestseller Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, returns with a long-awaited, groundbreaking prescription to reverse the symptoms of this serious autoimmune condition that is becoming one of the country's fastest growing diseases. More than thirty-five million Americans currently suffer from Hashimoto's-an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland and causes the body to attack its own cells. To alleviate the symptoms of this debilitating condition-including chronic cough, acid reflux, IBS, allergies, chronic pain, hair loss, brain fog, and forgetfulness-patients are often prescribed synthetic hormones that have numerous life-altering side effects. But there is a better way. Diagnosed with Hashimoto's at twenty-seven, pharmacist Dr. Izabella Wentz knows first-hand the effects of the disease, as well as the value-and limitations-of medication. The key to improved health, she argues, involves lifestyle interventions. In Hashimoto's Protocol, she outlines a proven treatment that has helped thousands heal and many others feel better-in as fast as ninety days. Drawing on her own personal experience as well as her work consulting with thousands of patients, Hashimoto's Protocol offers a practical pathway for healing and reversing the autoimmune damage at the root of the disease. The first step is a quick-start two-week detox that includes foods to eat and inflammatory foods to avoid, advice on supplements to support the liver, and an adrenal recovery plan. Next, readers create a personalized plan with foods, supplements, and other lifestyle interventions tailored to their body's own unique Hashimoto's triggers, which they can identify using self-tests included in the book. Hashimoto's Protocol also features original recipes. Grounded in the latest science, Hashimoto's Protocol is the first book to offer a proven protocol by an acknowledged expert in the field to treat this condition and help sufferers reclaim their lives.

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