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Miss Lily's Lovely Ladies

Miss Lily's Lovely Ladies

Sarjat: Miss Lily (1)

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491527,455 (3.75)2
A tale of espionage, love and passionate heroism. Inspired by true events, this is the story of how society's 'lovely ladies' won a war. Each year at secluded Shillings Hall, in the snow-crisped English countryside, the mysterious Miss Lily draws around her young women selected from Europe's royal and most influential families. Her girls are taught how to captivate a man - and find a potential husband - at a dinner, in a salon, or at a grouse shoot, and in ways that would surprise outsiders. For in 1914, persuading and charming men is the only true power a woman has. Sophie Higgs is the daughter of Australia's king of corned beef and the only 'colonial' brought to Shillings Hall. Of all Miss Lily's lovely ladies, however, she is also the only one who suspects Miss Lily's true purpose. As the chaos of war spreads, women across Europe shrug off etiquette. The lovely ladies and their less privileged sisters become the unacknowledged backbone of the war, creating hospitals, canteens and transport systems where bungling officials fail to cope. And when tens of thousands can die in a single day's battle, Sophie must use the skills Miss Lily taught her to prevent war's most devastating weapon yet. But is Miss Lily heroine or traitor? And who, exactly, is she?… (lisätietoja)

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Daughter of a wealthy Australian businessman, Sophie Higgs is among a select number of young women invited to Shillings Hall in England. There she receives instructions in etiquette and the power of charm from the mysterious Miss Lily. But with the coming of a world war, the women of Europe will need to find and exert different kinds of strength in Miss Lily's Lovely Ladies by author Jackie French.

Indeed, don't let the lovely book cover and the almost too lovely title give you the wrong impression. This isn't a sweet little tale about English teas and parties (the story's teas and parties notwithstanding.) This novel based on true events surrounding the Great War is very much a war story, and oftentimes a gruesome one at that.

It's also a coming of age story. I couldn't always make sense of the heroine, but I can appreciate the strength and purpose she finds in wartime.

That purpose is what led me to read this novel, since I first read a companion story, With Love from Miss Lily. Admittedly, that Christmas tale, in 30 pages or so, packed more of a punch for me than this novel did in over 500. There were longish lulls in this book between the parts that moved me.

Still, the overall substance and intrigue of the plot made it worth it. Granted, I was almost turned off the book during the last fifth of it. (Even with the roles feminine wiles play in war maneuvers here, having three semi-seductions in back-to-back scenes is overkill, and the ending chapters stretch and complicate matters maybe more than necessary.)

Nevertheless, my historical-fiction-loving self is curious about the promise of postwar challenges here. If/when Book Two of this series becomes available in the US, I plan on reading it. ( )
  NadineC.Keels | Dec 23, 2018 |
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A tale of espionage, love and passionate heroism. Inspired by true events, this is the story of how society's 'lovely ladies' won a war. Each year at secluded Shillings Hall, in the snow-crisped English countryside, the mysterious Miss Lily draws around her young women selected from Europe's royal and most influential families. Her girls are taught how to captivate a man - and find a potential husband - at a dinner, in a salon, or at a grouse shoot, and in ways that would surprise outsiders. For in 1914, persuading and charming men is the only true power a woman has. Sophie Higgs is the daughter of Australia's king of corned beef and the only 'colonial' brought to Shillings Hall. Of all Miss Lily's lovely ladies, however, she is also the only one who suspects Miss Lily's true purpose. As the chaos of war spreads, women across Europe shrug off etiquette. The lovely ladies and their less privileged sisters become the unacknowledged backbone of the war, creating hospitals, canteens and transport systems where bungling officials fail to cope. And when tens of thousands can die in a single day's battle, Sophie must use the skills Miss Lily taught her to prevent war's most devastating weapon yet. But is Miss Lily heroine or traitor? And who, exactly, is she?

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