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Sunset in the West

Tekijä: Sable Hamilton

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Sunset in the Westis the third title in the Stardust Stablesseries. Stardust is a stables with a difference... Set in the Colorado mountains, it's home to the super-talented horses and kids who are stunt riders for movie stars. Only daredevil riders need apply! Adventurous Hayley is overjoyed when she and her horse Cool Kid successfully audition for a stunt riding role in Pioneer, a movie set in the nineteenth century era of wagon trains carrying early settlers west through the Rockies. After perfecting some key skills for the role - lassoing, bareback riding, crossing rivers and trekking along rocky ledges - they're ready to go. But on the journey to the set, the trailer skids off a dirt road and Cool Kid panics and escapes. Can the team track him down before he comes to any harm? An exciting new series, not just for horse-mad girls,Stardust Stablestakes readers on the ride of their lives! From best-selling author Sable Hamilton (Dark Angel: Twisted Heartas Eden Maguire and Black Pearl Poniesas Jenny Oldfield), Stardust Stablescombines glitz and glamour, horses galore, gorgeous boys and cool Hollywood action! This is a series with a twist! Perfect for girls aged 10 to 12 years old.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatWolfScout55, clodiap, Celialiu123, Celialiu, cctesttc1

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Sunset in the Westis the third title in the Stardust Stablesseries. Stardust is a stables with a difference... Set in the Colorado mountains, it's home to the super-talented horses and kids who are stunt riders for movie stars. Only daredevil riders need apply! Adventurous Hayley is overjoyed when she and her horse Cool Kid successfully audition for a stunt riding role in Pioneer, a movie set in the nineteenth century era of wagon trains carrying early settlers west through the Rockies. After perfecting some key skills for the role - lassoing, bareback riding, crossing rivers and trekking along rocky ledges - they're ready to go. But on the journey to the set, the trailer skids off a dirt road and Cool Kid panics and escapes. Can the team track him down before he comes to any harm? An exciting new series, not just for horse-mad girls,Stardust Stablestakes readers on the ride of their lives! From best-selling author Sable Hamilton (Dark Angel: Twisted Heartas Eden Maguire and Black Pearl Poniesas Jenny Oldfield), Stardust Stablescombines glitz and glamour, horses galore, gorgeous boys and cool Hollywood action! This is a series with a twist! Perfect for girls aged 10 to 12 years old.

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