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Petras prick Tekijä: Maria Nilsson Thore

Petras prick (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: Maria Nilsson Thore

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1321,535,541 (4)-
A spot runs away from its cheetah and has many exciting adventures.
Teoksen nimi:Petras prick
Kirjailijat:Maria Nilsson Thore
Info:Stockholm : Bonnier Carlsen, 2011
Kokoelmat:Emmas Böcker
Arvio (tähdet):


Stay-at-Home Sammy and the Runaway Spot (tekijä: Maria Nilsson Thore)


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näyttää 2/2
Review from 6 y/o:
I liked it because Sammy was sad about her spot wanting to leave, but let it go anyway. Then when I came back they were best friends. ( )
  KWadyko | Mar 5, 2018 |
When she wakes up feeling unwell one day, Sammy the cheetah only wants to shuffle around her house and have a relaxing day. When one of her five hundred spots goes awol, and refuses to be caught, she decides to accept its decision to hit the road, and have a cup of cocoa instead. A year passes, during which the spot sees the world and Sammy stays home, but eventually the two are reunited...

This entertaining picture-book romp from Swedish author/illustrator Maria Nilsson Thore was originally published as two separate books. Sammy's story, in which she loses and then regains a spot, was originally released in Sweden as Petras Prick, while the travelogue of the spot, contained here in a fold-out four-page insert, was originally released as Prickens Resa. Although it reads as one long story here, with a considerable digression in the fold-out insert, Stay-at-Home Sammy and the Runaway Spot is actually therefore a translation of two books, which have been combined as one. Leaving that aside, I found this one quite fun, enjoying Sammy's calm acceptance of her spot's independence, and her warm welcome when the prodigal piece of fur returns. The artwork is colorful and appealing as well, with a stylized sensibility and a zany but understated sense of humor that really worked for me. Recommended to those looking for new picture-books with a somewhat quirky format and sensibility. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | May 24, 2017 |
näyttää 2/2
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A spot runs away from its cheetah and has many exciting adventures.

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