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The Complete Michael Palin Diaries

Tekijä: Michael Palin

Sarjat: Palin Diaries (1-3)

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All three of Michael Palin's bestselling diaries, covering 30 years from 1969 to 1998. Throughout his years in Monty Python, his many successful film appearances, the writing of his novels and his travels to all corners of the globe, there was one constant in Michael Palin's life: the daily ritual of writing in his diary. Now, for the first time, the complete diaries have been brought together, charting Michael's highs and lows, and studded with his hallmarks of curiosity and sense of adventure. Volume one begins when he was newly married and struggling to make a name for himself in the world of television comedy. But Monty Python was just around the corner. Volume two follows his trail through seven movies and ends with his final preparations for the documentary that was to change his life - Around the World in Eighty Days. And volume three tracks his journeys to far-flung places, not to mention more films, award-winning TV roles and a first novel. 'Palin shows himself in these diaries to be an acute observer as well as a champion curator of an anecdote' Sunday Times… (lisätietoja)

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All three of Michael Palin's bestselling diaries, covering 30 years from 1969 to 1998. Throughout his years in Monty Python, his many successful film appearances, the writing of his novels and his travels to all corners of the globe, there was one constant in Michael Palin's life: the daily ritual of writing in his diary. Now, for the first time, the complete diaries have been brought together, charting Michael's highs and lows, and studded with his hallmarks of curiosity and sense of adventure. Volume one begins when he was newly married and struggling to make a name for himself in the world of television comedy. But Monty Python was just around the corner. Volume two follows his trail through seven movies and ends with his final preparations for the documentary that was to change his life - Around the World in Eighty Days. And volume three tracks his journeys to far-flung places, not to mention more films, award-winning TV roles and a first novel. 'Palin shows himself in these diaries to be an acute observer as well as a champion curator of an anecdote' Sunday Times

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