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11-1,737,874 (4.5)-
Tyler and Tanner are identical twins and best buddies, but their relationship is about to be transformed forever. Tyler grows increasingly uncomfortable with the rumors that haunt him and his brother, but Tanner doesn't want their relationship to change. Wanted or not, change comes. Tyler falls for Charlie, the new boy in town, and Tanner reaches out to help his teammate, Iggy, who is crippled in an accident and confined to a wheelchair. As Tyler and Charlie grow closer, Tanner grabs onto the small ray of hope that Iggy may someday walk again and pushes Iggy to make it happen. Just when he feels he's losing his brother, Tanner begins to develop feelings for Iggy that he never thought he could feel for anyone...except his twin.The Nudo Twins is the story of an unconventional relationship and the ability of love to adapt to almost any situation.Information on Mark's upcoming books can be found at markroeder.com and he can be reached directly at markaroeder@yahoo.com. Those wishing to keep in touch with others who enjoy Mark's novels can join his fan club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/markaroederfans.… (lisätietoja)

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Tyler and Tanner are identical twins and best buddies, but their relationship is about to be transformed forever. Tyler grows increasingly uncomfortable with the rumors that haunt him and his brother, but Tanner doesn't want their relationship to change. Wanted or not, change comes. Tyler falls for Charlie, the new boy in town, and Tanner reaches out to help his teammate, Iggy, who is crippled in an accident and confined to a wheelchair. As Tyler and Charlie grow closer, Tanner grabs onto the small ray of hope that Iggy may someday walk again and pushes Iggy to make it happen. Just when he feels he's losing his brother, Tanner begins to develop feelings for Iggy that he never thought he could feel for anyone...except his twin.The Nudo Twins is the story of an unconventional relationship and the ability of love to adapt to almost any situation.Information on Mark's upcoming books can be found at markroeder.com and he can be reached directly at markaroeder@yahoo.com. Those wishing to keep in touch with others who enjoy Mark's novels can join his fan club at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/markaroederfans.

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