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Maximizing Your Injury Claim: Simple Steps To Protect Your Family After An Accident

Tekijä: Matthew D. Dubin

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Chances are you will be in an automobile accident at some point in your life. It's always best to be prepared for when that happens so you know what to do-and if you've just been in one, you can learn what to expect next in these pages. Longtime attorney Matthew D. Dubin has represented countless parties with personal injury claims. Because he can't represent everyone, he is now sharing his wide range of knowledge in this book. Written in clear, non-legal language, Matthew will tell you what you need to know as you maneuver through dealing with insurance companies and the legal system to get the settlement you deserve. In Maximizing Your Injury Claim, you'll discover: • What information to collect at the accident scene • What to say and not say to the police and insurance companies • The ins and outs of using your insurance to cover your car repair and medical bills • What happens when a motorist is uninsured, underinsured, or refuses to admit blame • How your medical recor...… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatStanlyCC

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Chances are you will be in an automobile accident at some point in your life. It's always best to be prepared for when that happens so you know what to do-and if you've just been in one, you can learn what to expect next in these pages. Longtime attorney Matthew D. Dubin has represented countless parties with personal injury claims. Because he can't represent everyone, he is now sharing his wide range of knowledge in this book. Written in clear, non-legal language, Matthew will tell you what you need to know as you maneuver through dealing with insurance companies and the legal system to get the settlement you deserve. In Maximizing Your Injury Claim, you'll discover: • What information to collect at the accident scene • What to say and not say to the police and insurance companies • The ins and outs of using your insurance to cover your car repair and medical bills • What happens when a motorist is uninsured, underinsured, or refuses to admit blame • How your medical recor...

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