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Love Bi the Way

Tekijä: Bhaavna Arora

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
9-2,003,247 (3.5)-
Rihana is a painter who is trying to find inspiration in love. Zara is a businesswoman trying to make a niche for her company in a male-dominated world. Rihana is fire, Zara is ice; Rihana is openly sensual, while Zara is more cautious with her heart-they are opposites that attract. They are different people bound together by their house-'Cupid'-and their pet golden retriever, Tiger. As both of them navigate their fulfilling careers and try to leave behind troubled pasts, they find solace in each other. But Tiger's not the only male in their lives. Rihana finds herself a string of sexy men, while Zara emerges out of her shell and meets an actual prince who sweeps her off her feet. But can these relationships last? And what road will they take when love happens bi the way?… (lisätietoja)

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Rihana is a painter who is trying to find inspiration in love. Zara is a businesswoman trying to make a niche for her company in a male-dominated world. Rihana is fire, Zara is ice; Rihana is openly sensual, while Zara is more cautious with her heart-they are opposites that attract. They are different people bound together by their house-'Cupid'-and their pet golden retriever, Tiger. As both of them navigate their fulfilling careers and try to leave behind troubled pasts, they find solace in each other. But Tiger's not the only male in their lives. Rihana finds herself a string of sexy men, while Zara emerges out of her shell and meets an actual prince who sweeps her off her feet. But can these relationships last? And what road will they take when love happens bi the way?

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