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The Midnight Land: Part One: The Flight (The Zemnian Trilogy, #1)

Tekijä: E. P. Clark

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
20-1,114,699 (1)-
Honorable Mention, Epic Fantasy, 2016 Readers' Favorite Awards!Honorable Mention, Fantasy, 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards!As younger sister to the Empress of all of Zem' and the only one possessing her foremothers' gifts of clairvoyance, Slava is both one of the most powerful and powerless people in the Known World. Desperate to escape the intrigue and hostility of her sister's kremlin, Slava takes off on an expedition to the Midnight Land, the uninhabited, unmapped tundra on the Northern edge of Zem'. But as she travels North, Slava discovers that it is more than just the world of women that covets her gifts, and that fate is pushing her to become a most unlikely hero...Combining motifs from classical Russian literature with the genre of high fantasy, this book is both a gripping coming-of-age tale and a subversive exploration of gender, morality, and subjectivity.… (lisätietoja)

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Honorable Mention, Epic Fantasy, 2016 Readers' Favorite Awards!Honorable Mention, Fantasy, 2015 INDIEFAB Book of the Year Awards!As younger sister to the Empress of all of Zem' and the only one possessing her foremothers' gifts of clairvoyance, Slava is both one of the most powerful and powerless people in the Known World. Desperate to escape the intrigue and hostility of her sister's kremlin, Slava takes off on an expedition to the Midnight Land, the uninhabited, unmapped tundra on the Northern edge of Zem'. But as she travels North, Slava discovers that it is more than just the world of women that covets her gifts, and that fate is pushing her to become a most unlikely hero...Combining motifs from classical Russian literature with the genre of high fantasy, this book is both a gripping coming-of-age tale and a subversive exploration of gender, morality, and subjectivity.

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