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Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells…

Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock's Darkest Day (alkuperäinen julkaisuvuosi 2016; vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Joel Selvin (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1107250,226 (4.1)3
In this breathtaking cultural history filled with exclusive, never-before-revealed details, celebrated rock journalist Joel Selvin tells the definitive story of the Rolling Stones' infamous Altamont concert, the disastrous historic event that marked the end of the idealistic 1960s. In the annals of rock history, the Altamont Speedway Free Festival on December 6, 1969, has long been seen as the distorted twin of Woodstock--the day that shattered the Sixties' promise of peace and love when a concertgoer was killed by a member of the Hells Angels, the notorious biker club acting as security. While most people know of the events from the film Gimme Shelter, the whole story has remained buried in varied accounts, rumor, and myth--until now. Altamont explores rock's darkest day, a fiasco that began well before the climactic death of Meredith Hunter and continued beyond that infamous December night. Joel Selvin probes every aspect of the show--from the Stones' hastily planned tour preceding the concert to the bad acid that swept through the audience to other deaths that also occurred that evening--to capture the full scope of the tragedy and its aftermath. He also provides an in-depth look at the Grateful Dead's role in the events leading to Altamont, examining the band's behind-the-scenes presence in both arranging the show and hiring the Hells Angels as security. The product of twenty years of exhaustive research and dozens of interviews with many key players, including medical staff, Hells Angels members, the stage crew, and the musicians who were there, and featuring sixteen pages of color photos, Altamont is the ultimate account of the final event in rock's formative and most turbulent decade.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock's Darkest Day
Kirjailijat:Joel Selvin (Tekijä)
Info:Dey Street Books (2016), 368 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Altamont: The Rolling Stones, the Hells Angels, and the Inside Story of Rock's Darkest Day (tekijä: Joel Selvin) (2016)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I was motivated to seek this one out after watching the documentary ‘Gimme Shelter’ last year and feeling it lacked context. I wondered if the Rolling Stones are really as blameless as the film made it seem. The book is better, though it’s a bit all over the place — appropriate, perhaps, for the retelling of a chaotic event. And no, the Stones were far from blameless. ( )
  rosalita | Aug 11, 2020 |
Excellent, well-researched account of an ill-fated rock festival. Selvin wears his knowledge lightly, but the book makes for very uneasy reading. A must for fans of the Rolling Stones, and they'll learn a thing or two about the Grateful Dead as well. ( )
  cappybear | Apr 1, 2020 |
Not a big Stones fan at the time and didn't pay much attention to Altamont. Enjoyed reading the book. That concert was in bad shape almost from the very beginning and did nothing but get worse. Glad I missed it. ( )
  parloteo | Dec 21, 2019 |
Searing account of the disastrous concert that is popularly supposed to brought an end to the 60's era of love. In December 1969, The Rolling Stones, desperate to break into the American market, were talked into participating at a free concert at a derelict raceway in California, along with Grateful Dead, Santana, Crosby Stills Nash & Young and Jefferson Airplane. It was supposed to be another Woodstock, instead poor planning, dueling egos and the insane decision to hire the Hells Angels as security and pay them in beer turned into catastrophe. Bad acid meant many of the hundreds of thousands who turned up ended up tripping out and needing medical attention, the Angels went berserk with power and bashed people at random, and the people running the concert totally lost control. But by far the worst was still to come. In the shadows of the stage and captured graphically on film, a young black man was stabbed to death by an Angel after drawing a gun. Three other people were killed that night, one drowning in a canal, two others run down by a driver high on acid, but it was the killing of Meredith Hunter that remains the enduring image of Altamont. Selvin provides a vivid moment by moment account of the disaster that captures the behavior of the each of the participants, the Grateful dead who sensed what was coming early on and fled without playing, Jefferson Airplane several of whose members were attacked by the Angels, and most searingly the Stones, with Keith Richards caught helplessly trying the calm the crowd down, and Mick Jagger with head down in despair as the Angels kick Hunter's body off the stage. This is one of the best pieces of musical history I have ever read, it is a roller-coaster that grabs you from the start and doesn't let up. Beautifully written, throbbing with passion and appreciation of the music that was produced that night despite the disaster. It is absolutely riveting reading. ( )
  drmaf | Aug 1, 2019 |
The inside scoop on the great Rolling Stones' music festival fiasco. ( )
  lloydfree | May 16, 2019 |
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In this breathtaking cultural history filled with exclusive, never-before-revealed details, celebrated rock journalist Joel Selvin tells the definitive story of the Rolling Stones' infamous Altamont concert, the disastrous historic event that marked the end of the idealistic 1960s. In the annals of rock history, the Altamont Speedway Free Festival on December 6, 1969, has long been seen as the distorted twin of Woodstock--the day that shattered the Sixties' promise of peace and love when a concertgoer was killed by a member of the Hells Angels, the notorious biker club acting as security. While most people know of the events from the film Gimme Shelter, the whole story has remained buried in varied accounts, rumor, and myth--until now. Altamont explores rock's darkest day, a fiasco that began well before the climactic death of Meredith Hunter and continued beyond that infamous December night. Joel Selvin probes every aspect of the show--from the Stones' hastily planned tour preceding the concert to the bad acid that swept through the audience to other deaths that also occurred that evening--to capture the full scope of the tragedy and its aftermath. He also provides an in-depth look at the Grateful Dead's role in the events leading to Altamont, examining the band's behind-the-scenes presence in both arranging the show and hiring the Hells Angels as security. The product of twenty years of exhaustive research and dozens of interviews with many key players, including medical staff, Hells Angels members, the stage crew, and the musicians who were there, and featuring sixteen pages of color photos, Altamont is the ultimate account of the final event in rock's formative and most turbulent decade.

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