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Fighting for Freedom in America: Memoir of a "Schizophrenia" and Mainstream Cultural Delusions

Tekijä: Clyde Dee

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812,026,030 (5)-
In the frontiers of America's mental health institutions, fighting for freedom can become very personal. Six years into a protected clinical career as a mental health counselor, Clyde Dee moves to Seattle, and takes a job in a Section 8 housing project. Getting to the bottom of what's going on in a fractured system, he becomes embroiled in the politics of the local drug war until he decides to go off a small dose of anti-psychotic medication. Clyde then faces threats and a re-conceptualization of a fractured past and is stopped by police in an effort to exit the country. He is incarcerated in a psychiatric ward for three months and released to the streets. In the years that follow, he moves through American disparities and cultural delusions, facing some of his worst fears come true, and striving to gain back what he lost.… (lisätietoja)

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In the frontiers of America's mental health institutions, fighting for freedom can become very personal. Six years into a protected clinical career as a mental health counselor, Clyde Dee moves to Seattle, and takes a job in a Section 8 housing project. Getting to the bottom of what's going on in a fractured system, he becomes embroiled in the politics of the local drug war until he decides to go off a small dose of anti-psychotic medication. Clyde then faces threats and a re-conceptualization of a fractured past and is stopped by police in an effort to exit the country. He is incarcerated in a psychiatric ward for three months and released to the streets. In the years that follow, he moves through American disparities and cultural delusions, facing some of his worst fears come true, and striving to gain back what he lost.

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