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Write Now The Getty-Dubay Program for…

Write Now The Getty-Dubay Program for Handwriting Success (vuoden 2011 painos)

Tekijä: Barbara Getty (Tekijä)

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213-128,341 (4.27)-
It's so natural and easy to have better handwriting. WRITE NOW is a self-instructional course in modern italic handwriting, containing everything you need to improve the legibility, ease and look of your handwriting - a complete workbook for adults and professionals. This popular book in the United States is now available internationally with this edition.Improve the legibility, ease and look of your handwriting with this complete workbook for adults and professionals. Learn a fast, efficient and practical handwriting style that eliminates the loops and flourishes of conventional cursive. Italic is a modern handwriting system based on Italian Renaissance letterforms that are highly suited to rapid and legible writing, where rhythmic patterns follow the natural movement of the hand. Italic's handsome letters are as easy to write as they are to read.Send handwritten notes you can be proud of. Friends and business associates will appreciate receiving legible and distinctive handwritten messages. Poor handwriting isn't your fault. The looped cursive handwriting most of us were taught was simply not designed to accomplish the necessary combination of legibility, speed, and ease. WRITE NOW is a self-instructional course in modern italic handwriting.A complete program for adults. Contains instructions, practice exercises and tips. The new edition includes a supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic. An easy way to develop a better hand at your own pace.Write directly in the book. No special tools are required? - just your favorite pen or pencil. Includes instruction in edged-pen writing (edged pen required for this section). Also includes the historical development of letters. Entire book is handwritten.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Write Now The Getty-Dubay Program for Handwriting Success
Kirjailijat:Barbara Getty (Tekijä)
Info:Getty-Dubay Productions (2011), Edition: 3rd, 96 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Write Now: The Complete Program For Better Handwriting (tekijä: Barbara Getty)


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It's so natural and easy to have better handwriting. WRITE NOW is a self-instructional course in modern italic handwriting, containing everything you need to improve the legibility, ease and look of your handwriting - a complete workbook for adults and professionals. This popular book in the United States is now available internationally with this edition.Improve the legibility, ease and look of your handwriting with this complete workbook for adults and professionals. Learn a fast, efficient and practical handwriting style that eliminates the loops and flourishes of conventional cursive. Italic is a modern handwriting system based on Italian Renaissance letterforms that are highly suited to rapid and legible writing, where rhythmic patterns follow the natural movement of the hand. Italic's handsome letters are as easy to write as they are to read.Send handwritten notes you can be proud of. Friends and business associates will appreciate receiving legible and distinctive handwritten messages. Poor handwriting isn't your fault. The looped cursive handwriting most of us were taught was simply not designed to accomplish the necessary combination of legibility, speed, and ease. WRITE NOW is a self-instructional course in modern italic handwriting.A complete program for adults. Contains instructions, practice exercises and tips. The new edition includes a supplementary section with a complete review of basic and cursive italic. An easy way to develop a better hand at your own pace.Write directly in the book. No special tools are required? - just your favorite pen or pencil. Includes instruction in edged-pen writing (edged pen required for this section). Also includes the historical development of letters. Entire book is handwritten.

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