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A Natural History Of The Hedgerow Tekijä:…

A Natural History Of The Hedgerow (vuoden 2017 painos)

Tekijä: John Wright (Tekijä)

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832326,459 (3.67)1
"It is difficult to think of a more quintessential symbol of the British countryside than the British Hedgerow, bursting with blackberries, hazelnuts and sloes, and home to oak and ash, field mice and butterflies. But as much as we might dream about foraging for mushrooms or collecting wayside nettles for soup, most of us are unaware of quite how profoundly hedgerows have shaped the history of our landscape and our species. One of Britain's best known naturalists, John Wright introduces us to the natural and cultural history of hedges (as well as ditches, dykes and dry stone walls) - from the arrival of the first settlers in the British Isles to the modern day, when we have finally begun to recognise the importance of these unique ecosystems. His intimate knowledge of the countryside and its inhabitants brings this guide to life, whether discussing the skills and craft of hedge maintenance or the rich variety of animals who call them home ..."--Publisher description.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:A Natural History Of The Hedgerow
Kirjailijat:John Wright (Tekijä)
Info:Profile Books Ltd (2017), 384 pages
Kokoelmat:Parhaillaan lukemassa
Arvio (tähdet):


A Natural History of the Hedgerow: and ditches, dykes and dry stone walls (tekijä: John Wright)


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One of the things that you notice when coming in to land at an airport in the UK is our patchwork pattern of fields and hedges that makes this green and pleasant land. It is a unique part of our heritage, and in some cases hedge lines can be traced back hundreds and occasionally thousands of years. Not only do they add some much to our countryside, but they are literally a lifeline to our birds and mammals as well as being home to all sorts of other plants and fungi.

In this book the well known naturalist Wright takes us on a voyage of discovery with the humble hedge. He weaves together natural with cultural history along with a comprehensive list of the flora, fauna and fungi found in a most hedges. The scope is widened with the inclusion of other ways of separating crops from hungry livestock, including dry-stone wall, Cornish hedges (also walls) and the ornate fences. It is a book full of fascinating historical references and entertaining facts with plenty of high quality photos. It makes for a fascinating reference book, and when it is out in paperback will definitely be added to my library. ( )
  PDCRead | Apr 6, 2020 |
This wasn't quite what I was expecting and for an urban dweller there was a lot of information that had little relevance to my interests (I'm interested in hedgerow flowers), but it was fascinating nevertheless. I found myself wishing I could go for a walk with the author so that he could point out the flora and fauna I am unfamiliar with. One downside - the book is very heavy to hold, not suitable to take with you on a walk! ( )
  mlfhlibrarian | Apr 24, 2018 |
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"It is difficult to think of a more quintessential symbol of the British countryside than the British Hedgerow, bursting with blackberries, hazelnuts and sloes, and home to oak and ash, field mice and butterflies. But as much as we might dream about foraging for mushrooms or collecting wayside nettles for soup, most of us are unaware of quite how profoundly hedgerows have shaped the history of our landscape and our species. One of Britain's best known naturalists, John Wright introduces us to the natural and cultural history of hedges (as well as ditches, dykes and dry stone walls) - from the arrival of the first settlers in the British Isles to the modern day, when we have finally begun to recognise the importance of these unique ecosystems. His intimate knowledge of the countryside and its inhabitants brings this guide to life, whether discussing the skills and craft of hedge maintenance or the rich variety of animals who call them home ..."--Publisher description.

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