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Applesauce Weather Tekijä: Helen Frost

Applesauce Weather (vuoden 2016 painos)

Tekijä: Helen Frost (Tekijä), Amy June Bates (Kuvittaja)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
728372,757 (3.88)-
"When the first apple falls from the tree, Faith and Peter know that it's applesauce weather, even though Peter is getting a little old for such things. It also means Uncle Arthur should be here to tell his stories, with a twinkle in his eye as he spins tales about how he came to have a missing finger. But this is the first year without Aunt Lucy, and when Uncle Arthur arrives, there's no twinkle to be found and no stories waiting to be told. Faith is certain, though, that with a little love and patience, she and Peter might finally learn the truth about that missing finger. Paired with warm, expressive illustrations by Amy June Bates, this heartfelt tale by award-winning poet Helen Frost highlights the strength of family and the power of a good story" --… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Applesauce Weather
Kirjailijat:Helen Frost (Tekijä)
Muut tekijät:Amy June Bates (Kuvittaja)
Info:Candlewick (2016), Edition: Illustrated, 112 pages
Kokoelmat:children's read but unowned
Arvio (tähdet):


Applesauce Weather (tekijä: Helen Frost)


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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Note: I received a digital review copy of this book from the publisher through NetGalley.
  fernandie | Sep 15, 2022 |
Very sweet story of Love and Loss. The story is written in short verses between Faith, Peter and Uncle Arthur. Applesauce weather is finally here and the apple tree, Aunt Lucy's apple tree, is finally bearing fruit. But this year is the first year since Aunt Lucy's passing, will Uncle Arthur keep tradition and come to the farm or will his grief keep him from showing up to help make applesauce like he has for so many years. ( )
  DJLunchlady91404 | May 12, 2019 |
Faith and Peter's aunt and uncle always show up to help make applesauce from the apple tree. But this is the first apple season without Aunt Lucy. They don't know if Uncle Roger will turn up alone but he does, bringing stories and memories of Aunt Lucy. A quiet and warm book with a hint of suspense as the kids try to get Uncle Roger to share how he lost his finger. ( )
  Salsabrarian | Nov 22, 2017 |
What a wonderful book. Applesauce Weather is a short novel written in verse from Helen Frost. The apples are ready, and it's applesauce weather. Lucy and Peter are waiting for Uncle Arthur to come, but Aunt Lucy passed on last year, so mom says he might not come this year. Lucy waits outside all day, Peter is not so sure, but Uncle Arthur arrives. He is a little sad and does not have any stories for the children at first, but he realizes what they are waiting for and he comes through. Every year he tells them stories about how he lost part of one of his fingers, but they are always just fun stories. Will this be the year that the children finally find out how he lost his finger? Will he be able to share all the love he had with Aunt Lucy? This year Peter is interested in Rose, the young girl that lives in Uncle Arthur's old house. Does he care about Uncle Arthur's stories anymore?

The story takes place over a lovely fall weekend and includes short introductions to each section from Aunt Lucy. It's enhanced by the black and white sketches by Amy June Bates. It will make a wonderful mentor text for story-telling and for read aloud for younger students. It illustrates the importance to talking to older relatives to find out about family history and memories that some day will be gone if not told and remembered by younger ones. I loved this story and think it would be a great addition to every family library. A treasure.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. ( )
  Carlathelibrarian | Aug 29, 2016 |
Independent Reading 9+
Awards: Nerdy Award 2017
  alexleealston | Oct 28, 2022 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 6) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


"When the first apple falls from the tree, Faith and Peter know that it's applesauce weather, even though Peter is getting a little old for such things. It also means Uncle Arthur should be here to tell his stories, with a twinkle in his eye as he spins tales about how he came to have a missing finger. But this is the first year without Aunt Lucy, and when Uncle Arthur arrives, there's no twinkle to be found and no stories waiting to be told. Faith is certain, though, that with a little love and patience, she and Peter might finally learn the truth about that missing finger. Paired with warm, expressive illustrations by Amy June Bates, this heartfelt tale by award-winning poet Helen Frost highlights the strength of family and the power of a good story" --

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Keskiarvo: (3.88)
3 5
3.5 1
4 3
5 4

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