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Bastien is now the man of the house. His mom has given up everything to give him a new life and he's determined to do everything in his power to take care of her. Verona, Indiana is Bastien's chance to start over and he's not about to waste the opportunity.The grumpy old man next-door is most certainly not one of the more attractive features of Bastien's new hometown, but Bastien's opinion of him slowly begins to change. More intriguing is another neighbor. Viktor is a wrestler for Verona High School and mows his lawn shirtless. Viktor stirs Bastien's passion, but he tries desperately to hide his desires. He doesn't want Verona to be Chicago all over again.As he settles into his new life Bastien discovers that Verona is different from what he has known before and not in the boring, watching-corn-grow-for-entertainment way he anticipated. The little town of Verona is odd, perhaps even bizarre, but maybe here he can forget the friends who turned on him and the father who tried to kill him. The Lawn Boy is a tale of friendship, love, lust, and acceptance.… (lisätietoja)
Viimeisimmät tallentajatDaveColter, green8847, shobbs88, JsLib

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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Bastien is now the man of the house. His mom has given up everything to give him a new life and he's determined to do everything in his power to take care of her. Verona, Indiana is Bastien's chance to start over and he's not about to waste the opportunity.The grumpy old man next-door is most certainly not one of the more attractive features of Bastien's new hometown, but Bastien's opinion of him slowly begins to change. More intriguing is another neighbor. Viktor is a wrestler for Verona High School and mows his lawn shirtless. Viktor stirs Bastien's passion, but he tries desperately to hide his desires. He doesn't want Verona to be Chicago all over again.As he settles into his new life Bastien discovers that Verona is different from what he has known before and not in the boring, watching-corn-grow-for-entertainment way he anticipated. The little town of Verona is odd, perhaps even bizarre, but maybe here he can forget the friends who turned on him and the father who tried to kill him. The Lawn Boy is a tale of friendship, love, lust, and acceptance.

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