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Ocean: A Visual Encyclopedia (DK Children's…

Ocean: A Visual Encyclopedia (DK Children's Visual Encyclopedias) (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: DK (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2231121,456 (4.43)-
Explore the hidden depths of the ocean with this stunning visual encyclopedia for kids. Ocean: A Children's Encyclopedia reveals the secrets of the seas through stunning images and beautiful photography to engage and educate kids. From the Arctic to the Caribbean, tiny plankton to giant whales, sandy beaches to the deepest depths, Ocean: A Children's Encyclopedia let's your child discover the mysterious world beneath the waves. Packed with fun facts for kids, this encyclopedia will dazzle your child covering everything from sea creatures and ocean birds to the Great Barrier Reef. Topics are presented through a combination of fun graphics, interesting fact-boxes and high-quality photographs. Look up an individual subject for school projects or curious minds can read from beginning to end!… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Ocean: A Visual Encyclopedia (DK Children's Visual Encyclopedias)
Kirjailijat:DK (Tekijä)
Info:DK Children (2015), Edition: Illustrated, 256 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Ocean: A Children's Encyclopedia (tekijä: DK)


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Summary- This ocean encyclopedia is perfect for exploring ocean life. It contains stunning pictures and amazing facts. The book tells about the different oceans, depth zones, sea creatures, beaches, the undersea, and much more. It contains photographs, charts, maps, tables, and diagrams so it is great for visual learners. It is a great book for people of all ages.

Personal Reaction- I love informational books because I always learn something new. The ocean is so interesting to me and I love going to the Caribbean islands and Mexico because I love visiting the beach and going into the ocean to swim with the sea turtles, whale sharks, sting rays, and whatever else I might find. I think it is so wonderful to teach children about our huge world and the oceans and everything that lives in the ocean as well as all of the things that we do not yet understand about our world.

Classroom Extensions- Young children would enjoy searching for different sea animals in the sand and water tables.
The class could study an assigned animal and tell about what they know to the class about that specific sea animal. ( )
  Kateburke23 | Dec 3, 2017 |
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Explore the hidden depths of the ocean with this stunning visual encyclopedia for kids. Ocean: A Children's Encyclopedia reveals the secrets of the seas through stunning images and beautiful photography to engage and educate kids. From the Arctic to the Caribbean, tiny plankton to giant whales, sandy beaches to the deepest depths, Ocean: A Children's Encyclopedia let's your child discover the mysterious world beneath the waves. Packed with fun facts for kids, this encyclopedia will dazzle your child covering everything from sea creatures and ocean birds to the Great Barrier Reef. Topics are presented through a combination of fun graphics, interesting fact-boxes and high-quality photographs. Look up an individual subject for school projects or curious minds can read from beginning to end!

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