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Last Chance Cowboys: The Drifter (Where the Trail Ends)

Tekijä: Anna Schmidt

Sarjat: Where the Trail Ends (book 1)

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15-1,380,075 (2.5)-
Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"A feisty heroine and a hero eager to make everything right. What more could a reader want?"â??Leigh Greenwood, USA Today bestselling author of To Love and to Cherish

First in a historical Western series set in the sweeping 1885 Arizona Territory, Maria is in for the fight of her life keeping a greedy corporate conglomerate off her land and drifter cowboy Chet out of her heart.

Caught between a greedy corporation and a desperate love of the land, Maria Porterfield barely has time to mourn her father's death. If her family is to survive, it'll be up to her to take chargeâ??but she can't do it alone. When a mysterious drifter rides into town, the handsome cowboy seems like an answer to her prayers. But Chet isn't interested in settling down, no matter how tempting the offer...

Chet made his way West looking for a fresh startâ??the last thing he wants is to get involved in someone else's fight. But something about Maria awakens a powerful need to protect the fierce beauty at all costs. He never thought he'd find love, but as danger presses in, he may find there's more beyond the next horizon than just another long and dusty trail.

Where the Trail Ends Series:
Last Chance Cowboys: The Drifter (Book 1)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Lawman (Book 2)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Outlaw (Book 3)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Rancher (Book 4)… (lisätietoja)


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Fiction. Romance. Western. Historical Fiction. HTML:

"A feisty heroine and a hero eager to make everything right. What more could a reader want?"â??Leigh Greenwood, USA Today bestselling author of To Love and to Cherish

First in a historical Western series set in the sweeping 1885 Arizona Territory, Maria is in for the fight of her life keeping a greedy corporate conglomerate off her land and drifter cowboy Chet out of her heart.

Caught between a greedy corporation and a desperate love of the land, Maria Porterfield barely has time to mourn her father's death. If her family is to survive, it'll be up to her to take chargeâ??but she can't do it alone. When a mysterious drifter rides into town, the handsome cowboy seems like an answer to her prayers. But Chet isn't interested in settling down, no matter how tempting the offer...

Chet made his way West looking for a fresh startâ??the last thing he wants is to get involved in someone else's fight. But something about Maria awakens a powerful need to protect the fierce beauty at all costs. He never thought he'd find love, but as danger presses in, he may find there's more beyond the next horizon than just another long and dusty trail.

Where the Trail Ends Series:
Last Chance Cowboys: The Drifter (Book 1)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Lawman (Book 2)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Outlaw (Book 3)
Last Chance Cowboys: The Rancher (Book 4)

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