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Pathfinder Adventure Path #99: Dance of the Damned

Tekijä: Richard Pett

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
27-870,243 (4.25)-
With a hideout in the city of Kintargo established, the heroes of thegrowing rebellion are poised to take back the city. But before their group, theSilver Ravens, can strike against the diabolic House Thrune, a few finalpreparatory steps must be completed. Forging alliances with nearby tribes ofaquatic elves and the free-city of Vyre and closing the mountain pass known asMenador Gap will cut off Cheliax's easy sea and land routes, forcingInquisitor Barzillai Thrune to rely on his resources at hand to defend hiscontrol of Kintargo. Yet nothing is as simple as it could be, and the dangersawaiting the heroes of the revolution in the nearby seas, mountains, and thesin-wracked city of Vyre are not always those you can defeat with a spell orsword. And, of course, Barzillai Thrune won't take these new developmentslying down -- what retributive reaction might one of Cheliax's mostdangerous inquisitors have in plan for the Silver Ravens? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 7th-level characters,Dance of the Damned continues the Hell's Rebels AdventurePath, an urban- and political-themed campaign that focuses on a rebellionagainst one of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting's most infamousnation -- the devil-haunted Cheliax.… (lisätietoja)

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With a hideout in the city of Kintargo established, the heroes of thegrowing rebellion are poised to take back the city. But before their group, theSilver Ravens, can strike against the diabolic House Thrune, a few finalpreparatory steps must be completed. Forging alliances with nearby tribes ofaquatic elves and the free-city of Vyre and closing the mountain pass known asMenador Gap will cut off Cheliax's easy sea and land routes, forcingInquisitor Barzillai Thrune to rely on his resources at hand to defend hiscontrol of Kintargo. Yet nothing is as simple as it could be, and the dangersawaiting the heroes of the revolution in the nearby seas, mountains, and thesin-wracked city of Vyre are not always those you can defeat with a spell orsword. And, of course, Barzillai Thrune won't take these new developmentslying down -- what retributive reaction might one of Cheliax's mostdangerous inquisitors have in plan for the Silver Ravens? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 7th-level characters,Dance of the Damned continues the Hell's Rebels AdventurePath, an urban- and political-themed campaign that focuses on a rebellionagainst one of the Pathfinder Campaign Setting's most infamousnation -- the devil-haunted Cheliax.

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