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Illuminae Tekijä: Amie Kaufman

Illuminae (vuoden 2015 painos)

Tekijä: Amie Kaufman (Tekijä)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut / Maininnat
3,8792283,201 (4.21)1 / 75
Fantasy. Romance. Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:For fans of Marie Lu comes the first book in an epic series that bends the sci-fi genre into a new dimension.
 “A truly beautiful novel that redefines the form."Victoria Aveyard, bestselling author of Red Queen

This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do. This afternoon, her planet was invaded.
      The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than a speck at the edge of the universe. Now with enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to evacuate with a hostile warship in hot pursuit.
     But their problems are just getting started. A plague has broken out and is mutating with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a web of data to find the truth, it’s clear the only person who can help her is the ex-boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again.
      Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, maps, files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more—Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping trilogy about lives interrupted, the price of truth, and the courage of everyday heroes.
“Prepare yourselves for Illuminae.”EW.com
[Y]ou’re not in for an ordinary novel experience. . . . Bustle.com
“A truly interactive experience. . . . A fantastically fun ride.” —MTV.com
? “[O]ut-of-this-world awesome.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred
? “…stylistically mesmerizing.” —Publishers Weekly, starred
? “[A]n arresting visual experience.”—Booklist, starred
? “[A] game-changer.” —Shelf Awareness, starred

“Brace yourself. You're about to be immersed in a mindscape that you'll never want to leave.”  —Marie Lu, bestselling author of the Legend trilogy
"Genre: Undefinable. Novel: Unforgettable." —Kami Garcia, bestselling coauthor of Beautiful Creatures & author of Unbreakable
An exuberant mix of space opera, romance, zombies, hackers, and political thrills.”  —Scott Westerfeld, bestselling author of  Zeroes and Uglies
Stunningly creative. Smart, funny, and romantic.”  —Veronica Rossi, bestselling author of Under the Never Sky
“This is one of those rare books that will truly keep your heart pounding.”Beth Revis, bestselling author of Across the Universe
This book is xxxxing awesome.”
Laini Taylor, bestselling author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Illuminae
Kirjailijat:Amie Kaufman (Tekijä)
Info:Knopf Books for Young Readers (2015), Edition: 1St Edition, 608 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):


Illuminae (tekijä: Amie Kaufman)

Viimeisimmät tallentajatmaryehoward, greigroselli, emmanne_03, yksityinen kirjasto, Retrogamer1982, msuoyevoli3, cherryplums, zophie, yergovichj, LenaMenke

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» Katso myös 75 mainintaa

englanti (224)  ranska (1)  espanja (1)  Kaikki kielet (226)
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 226) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Set aside the day when you decide to read this book. You really won't want to put it down.
Wow. ( )
  Dorothy2012 | Apr 22, 2024 |
Representation: Asian character
Trigger warnings: Explosions, military violence and war themes, mass death, death of people and a parent in the past, blood, grief and loss depiction, physical assault and injury, gun violence, epidemic, dead bodies
Score: Eight out of ten.
Find this review on The StoryGraph.

I enjoyed The Aurora Cycle from these authors so I decided to give The Illuminae Files a shot to see if it lives up to my expectations. I picked up the first instalment in the series, Illuminae, and glanced at the blurb, making it seem intriguing. When I closed the final page, it was enjoyable, and made me hope that the next part of the series, Gemina, will be of the same quality, if not better.

It starts with the first people I see, Kady Grant and Ezra Mason, living on a planet which is a company colony until another company destroyed it, killing everyone on there save for a few thousand who hopped on three spaceships to escape from the apocalypse. However, the situation only worsens as an epidemic plagues the ship, its AI, AIDAN, goes rogue, and BeiTech spaceships are still on the hunt to eviscerate the remaining citizens of the colony planet. I don't even know where to begin with Illuminae. But I'll try. For a book whose page count is one page shy of 600, it's fast-paced and enthralling, which ties in to the writing style. Illuminae isn't a book. It's more of a collection of files, including surveillance footage, images of spaceships, Wikipedia-like pages, artwork and DMs among other miscellanies. I liked the realistic teenage dialogue, but not the characters themselves. Finally! Teenagers in Illuminae don't speak like philosophers. They're more accurate to real-life youth. AIDAN developed his character as he turns from a ship commander to a human-like being, which isn't that original but I'll let the authors get away with it, which made me like him the most. I couldn't relate to Kady and Ezra, though. The composition kept making me turn its pages because I never know what I would get on the next page since it's not a predictable wall of text. It could be anything. The conclusion is nail-biting as Kady and AIDAN are the only survivors of the plague, and take down a BeiTech ship, the Lincoln, with the Alexander before escaping to a faraway space station named the Heimdall. There's also a cliffhanger. Wow. ( )
  Law_Books600 | Apr 7, 2024 |
I don't even know how to coherently start saying anything about this book...it was FLAWLESS. Heart-wrenching and heart-pounding all at once. THIS is how science fiction needs to be written; it's everything I ever wanted in a scifi novel.
"Illuminae" cycled me through so many emotions: excitement, anxiety, grief, terror, shock, and just full on sobbing. If you like space books with strong characters, unexpected events, brilliant storytelling, witty dialogue, and being gutted by Feels, then you NEED to read "Illuminae".

( )
  deborahee | Feb 23, 2024 |
I loved this more than I thought I would. Like I said earlier the format works really well in audiobook form. ( )
  Fortunesdearest | Feb 2, 2024 |
This is such a unique and wonderful experience. I love the story. I'm not sure how it is in the kindle version but I love the print's formatting. ( )
  jessiewinterspring | Jan 30, 2024 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 226) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
No One Hears You Scream In Space....

Some of you may be too young to know that reference, but holy moly is it appropriate for this book! I recommend everyone go grab this book as soon as possible. It is Ender's Game, Aliens, War World Z, 2001 Space Odyssey, all together, rolled up into one fantastic, heart-stropping, scary as hell, novel.

When I first begun this book I was really afraid that my interest wan't going to be held because the formatting seemed a bit cheesy to me. It's presented like a case file for an investigation with supporting documentation, photos, emails, and correspondences. If you think about it, it's a brilliant way to present this story, but if you had less talented writers who focused more on the gimmick you would end up with a sub-par novel. However, you have Amie Kaufman and Jay Krisoff at the helm, and so we end up with a thought provoking, well crafted, and immensely intriguing story that is presented in a creative way.

The story starts off with the destruction of a planet. Then we have a ever so slow, but always present chance across space. All the while, you have mechanical breakdowns, glitchey computers, virus outbreaks, and the people in charge trying to manage this all during war-time scenarios occurring. Civilians are being conscripted for service, and people are starting to get scared. This brings us to our main characters, Kady is really good with computers, and Ezra landed a position as a flight pilot. Through their on going texts and emails the story is told.

All these components could go really wrong, but in this book created by these amazing writers, it all works. It works so much better than I could've imagined possible. I was scared, I was concerned, and the story continued...

This is the first book in what is set to be a series of three books, and I will be waiting for each new book. If someone approached me saying they never really read or enjoyed science fiction, this is the book I would direct them to for a chance to change their heart. I highly recommend this book.

» Lisää muita tekijöitä (36 mahdollista)

Tekijän nimiRooliTekijän tyyppiKoskeeko teosta?Tila
Kaufman, Amieensisijainen tekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Kristoff, Jaypäätekijäkaikki painoksetvahvistettu
Bering, EmmaKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Bermingham, SileKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Dudley, Olivia TaylorKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Farr, KimberlyKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Frow, MatthewKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Gesell, RyanKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Hoppe, LincolnKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Kelly, HeatherSuunnittelijamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Kim, JoleneKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
McClain, JonathanKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Mortel, DonnabellaKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu
Pozniak, BeataKertojamuu tekijäeräät painoksetvahvistettu


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Fantasy. Romance. Science Fiction. Young Adult Fiction. HTML:For fans of Marie Lu comes the first book in an epic series that bends the sci-fi genre into a new dimension.
 “A truly beautiful novel that redefines the form."Victoria Aveyard, bestselling author of Red Queen

This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do. This afternoon, her planet was invaded.
      The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than a speck at the edge of the universe. Now with enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to evacuate with a hostile warship in hot pursuit.
     But their problems are just getting started. A plague has broken out and is mutating with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a web of data to find the truth, it’s clear the only person who can help her is the ex-boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again.
      Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, maps, files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more—Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping trilogy about lives interrupted, the price of truth, and the courage of everyday heroes.
“Prepare yourselves for Illuminae.”EW.com
[Y]ou’re not in for an ordinary novel experience. . . . Bustle.com
“A truly interactive experience. . . . A fantastically fun ride.” —MTV.com
? “[O]ut-of-this-world awesome.” —Kirkus Reviews, starred
? “…stylistically mesmerizing.” —Publishers Weekly, starred
? “[A]n arresting visual experience.”—Booklist, starred
? “[A] game-changer.” —Shelf Awareness, starred

“Brace yourself. You're about to be immersed in a mindscape that you'll never want to leave.”  —Marie Lu, bestselling author of the Legend trilogy
"Genre: Undefinable. Novel: Unforgettable." —Kami Garcia, bestselling coauthor of Beautiful Creatures & author of Unbreakable
An exuberant mix of space opera, romance, zombies, hackers, and political thrills.”  —Scott Westerfeld, bestselling author of  Zeroes and Uglies
Stunningly creative. Smart, funny, and romantic.”  —Veronica Rossi, bestselling author of Under the Never Sky
“This is one of those rare books that will truly keep your heart pounding.”Beth Revis, bestselling author of Across the Universe
This book is xxxxing awesome.”
Laini Taylor, bestselling author of Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

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