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Oracles of Delphi: A Novel of Suspense (An…

Oracles of Delphi: A Novel of Suspense (An Althaia of Athens Mystery) (vuoden 2014 painos)

Tekijä: Marie Savage

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
732,385,122 (3.33)-
All Althaia wants on her trip to Delphi is to fulfill her father's last wish and enjoy time away from her tiresome new husband. Finding the body of a young woman on the altar of Dionysos in the theater of the Sacred Precinct on her first day in town is not in her plans. Neither is getting involved in the search for the killer, falling for the son of a famous priestess, or getting pulled into the ancient struggle for control of the two most powerful oracles in the world. But that's exactly what happens when Theron, Althaia's tutor and a man with a reputation for finding the truth, is asked to investigate. When a priest hints that Theron himself may be involved, Althaia is certain the old man is crazy-until Nikomachos, son of the famous priestess of Dodona, arrives with an urgent message. As Theron's past, greedy priests, paranoid priestesses, visions, prophecies, and stolen treasures complicate the investigation, Althaia finds herself falling for Nikomachos whose dangerous secrets may hold the key to the young woman's death.When another body is found and Althaia discovers Nikomachos is being blackmailed, she devises a plan to coerce the killer to reveal himself and, in the process, forces Nikomachos to confront his own past. As the plan unfolds, she comes to realize that love often comes at a high price and that the true meaning of family is more than a blood bond.… (lisätietoja)
Teoksen nimi:Oracles of Delphi: A Novel of Suspense (An Althaia of Athens Mystery)
Kirjailijat:Marie Savage
Info:Blank Slate Press (2014), Paperback, 324 pages
Kokoelmat:For Review
Arvio (tähdet):****


Oracles of Delphi: A Novel of Suspense (An Althaia of Athens Mystery) (tekijä: Marie Savage)


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näyttää 3/3
3,5 stars

I have to confess I hadn’t heard about the Oracle of Delphi before this and I realized how little I actually know about ancient Greece.

Althaia is a privileged young woman from Athens but thanks to her lenient and loving father she’s had more rights than most women. She has knowledge to perform an autopias on a dead body, which becomes handy when a dead woman is found.

I liked Althaia, Theron and her two slaves. Praxis was almost like a brother to her even though he was a slave and it was nice to see their close relationship. Althaia was very likeable character: strong, compassionate and quite outspoken for that time. We get another perspective of her from the point of view of Nepthys, her personal slave.
Little by little we learn more about their past and how they became to each other’s lives.

I loved reading about the Oracles of Delphi because there the women could have power and be quite independent since women didn’t have much rights in Ancient Greece. And many of the women were born peasants and they could still be powerful. ( )
  Elysianfield | Nov 16, 2016 |
Althaia of Athens is on a pilgrimage to fulfill her deceased father's last wishes. However, when they arrive in Delphi, the body of a young women is found upon an alter and Althaia's tutor, Theron is asked to investigate. Althaia, trained in Egypt in the art of autopsia, assists with the cause of death. When it is discovered that the woman was connected to the Pythia of the Oracle of Gaia, Althaia, Theron and her slaves and plunged into the ongoing conflict between the Oracle of Apollon and the Oracle of Gaia. Althaia has also been having a disturbing dream about a young man; when she meets the young man in her dreams, Nikos, the pieces start falling together for the mystery of the woman left on the alter.

My favorite part of this historical mystery was Althaia's character. She is an intelligent, spunky and does not allow her position as a woman in her time to get in her way. Althaia also had a very modern voice and way of thinking which made it easier to connect with her. The history behind the Oracles of Delphi engaged me more than the mystery in this story. The Oracles were once real women, usually a peasant woman, chosen for the Gods to speak through, the parts of the story concerning the traditions of the women surrounding the Oracle were what really transported me back to ancient Delphi. The mystery in the story took a back seat for me, it was a little slower moving and didn't hold as much mystique as the characters trying to solve it. However, in the end, the solution did surprise me and I ended up loving how the guilty parties were revealed.

This book was received for free in return for an honest review. ( )
  Mishker | Dec 28, 2014 |
Murder, Mystery and Mayhem in Ancient Greece.

I couldn't wait to read this book, and quickly zipped through the story. This well written historical novel revolves around incidents occurring at Delphi. Sound familiar? Most people know of the Oracle at Delphi, but did you know of the cult of Gaia? The Earth Mother and Apollo sharing the same sacred land. Well, as you may guess, two powerful deities cannot share a sacred spot without problems. Murder...

The main characters of this novel are Althaia of Athens, a wealthy educated woman and Theron of Thessaly, a philosopher who assumes the role of ancient homicide detective, as well as a supporting cast of priestesses, priests, slaves and sycophants.

These characters are multi dimensional people. You, the reader, will have a vested interest in their personal lives. We become close to Althaia, Theron and the others and fear for them, we laugh with them and we cry with them.

I must say, I followed the clues of this murder mystery, but at the end, I was flabbergasted. I never saw it coming!

Marie Savage uses the backdrop of ancient Greece to masterfully tell a story full of intrigue while educating us on the religions and myths of ancient Greece. She is a wonderful storyteller. She expertly spins a tale and will leave you stunned and on the edge of your seat!

I hope she continues to write as I anxiously await her next novel. ( )
  ljldml | Dec 22, 2014 |
näyttää 3/3
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All Althaia wants on her trip to Delphi is to fulfill her father's last wish and enjoy time away from her tiresome new husband. Finding the body of a young woman on the altar of Dionysos in the theater of the Sacred Precinct on her first day in town is not in her plans. Neither is getting involved in the search for the killer, falling for the son of a famous priestess, or getting pulled into the ancient struggle for control of the two most powerful oracles in the world. But that's exactly what happens when Theron, Althaia's tutor and a man with a reputation for finding the truth, is asked to investigate. When a priest hints that Theron himself may be involved, Althaia is certain the old man is crazy-until Nikomachos, son of the famous priestess of Dodona, arrives with an urgent message. As Theron's past, greedy priests, paranoid priestesses, visions, prophecies, and stolen treasures complicate the investigation, Althaia finds herself falling for Nikomachos whose dangerous secrets may hold the key to the young woman's death.When another body is found and Althaia discovers Nikomachos is being blackmailed, she devises a plan to coerce the killer to reveal himself and, in the process, forces Nikomachos to confront his own past. As the plan unfolds, she comes to realize that love often comes at a high price and that the true meaning of family is more than a blood bond.

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