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Pathfinder Adventure Path #88: Valley of the Brain Collectors

Tekijä: Mike Shel

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23-989,690 (3)-
The heroes of Numeria must brave a remote canyonland known as the Scar ofthe Spider. Clues found in the Choking Tower revealed that a mysterious prophetleft her legacy behind in this valley long ago... a legacy that could revealmethods to defeat the Iron God of the Silver Mount. But the heroes are neitherthe only, nor the first visitors to the Scar of the Spider, and as they explore,they realize that alien monstrosities have colonized the canyon and havehorrific agendas of their own. Can the heroes escape with their brains intact,or will they become merely the latest addition to an otherworldlycollection? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters,Valley of the Brain Collectors continues the Iron Gods AdventurePath, an exploration of the lands of Numeria, where savage barbarism clasheswith the wonders and horrors of superscience. Several new monsters, anexploration of the mysterious alien empire known as the Dominion of the Black,rules for several strange types of alien technology, and Amber E. Scott'sPathfinder Journal round out this volume of the Pathfinder AdventurePath.… (lisätietoja)

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The heroes of Numeria must brave a remote canyonland known as the Scar ofthe Spider. Clues found in the Choking Tower revealed that a mysterious prophetleft her legacy behind in this valley long ago... a legacy that could revealmethods to defeat the Iron God of the Silver Mount. But the heroes are neitherthe only, nor the first visitors to the Scar of the Spider, and as they explore,they realize that alien monstrosities have colonized the canyon and havehorrific agendas of their own. Can the heroes escape with their brains intact,or will they become merely the latest addition to an otherworldlycollection? A Pathfinder Roleplaying Game adventure for 10th-level characters,Valley of the Brain Collectors continues the Iron Gods AdventurePath, an exploration of the lands of Numeria, where savage barbarism clasheswith the wonders and horrors of superscience. Several new monsters, anexploration of the mysterious alien empire known as the Dominion of the Black,rules for several strange types of alien technology, and Amber E. Scott'sPathfinder Journal round out this volume of the Pathfinder AdventurePath.

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