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The Queen's Hat Tekijä: S. Antony

The Queen's Hat (vuoden 2014 painos)

Tekijä: S. Antony (Tekijä)

Sarjat: The Queen (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1135244,140 (3.52)-
A sudden gust of wind takes the Queen's favorite hat and blows it all over London, as the Queen's men give chase.
Teoksen nimi:The Queen's Hat
Kirjailijat:S. Antony (Tekijä)
Info:Hachette Children's Books (2014), 32 pages
Kokoelmat:Oma kirjasto
Arvio (tähdet):
Avainsanoja:Clothing/Shoes, England, Landmarks


The Queen's Hat (tekijä: Steve Antony)


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näyttää 5/5
Clever way to view london. Cool black and white and red illustrations, and yay for hats. ( )
  jennybeast | Apr 14, 2022 |
The book I picked up was falling apart however a quick read-through showed me how funny this book was. ( )
  J_sweeeney26 | Aug 3, 2021 |
When the wind takes the Queen's hat away with a big 'Swish,' she gives chase, her loyal guardsmen behind her. Following that elusive item of head-wear, the Queen and her men make their way around the city of London, passing such landmarks as Trafalgar Square and Big Ben in their journey from Buckingham Palace to Kensington Palace. In the end, royal personage and royal hat are reunited, just as the Queen meets a very special someone...

British author/illustrator Steve Antony, whose picture-books exploring the theme of manners - Please, Mr. Panda, I'll Wait, Mr. Panda, Thank You, Mr. Panda - have been so popular here in the USA, turns his attention in The Queen's Hat to Queen Elizabeth II, the great city of London, and the arrival of a royal baby (Prince George, one assumes). The result is a fun little tour of London for the picture-book set, one that reminded me a bit of titles like You Can't Take A Balloon into the Metropolitan Museum, which offers a similar tour of New York City, in the guise of a chase after a runaway balloon. As always, with Antony's books, I enjoyed the artwork here, and I also found the storytelling conceit of the book charming. Recommended to anyone looking for children's stories featuring London and/or the British monarchy, as well as to those who enjoy somewhat madcap tales of adventure. ( )
  AbigailAdams26 | May 31, 2017 |
The Queen’s Hat is a great introduction to the major sites in London. It also gives a brief introduction to the idea that England has a Queen. The Queen is taking a walk with her corgi and suddenly the wind takes her hat and she starts chasing it through London. Of course, she is aided by the Royal Guards who look like swarming ants (kids will love it). The illustrations are done only in the colors of the British flag, which is very clever. The corgi is wearing a flag colored tartan (maybe a nod to Scotland?) Young readers are introduced to Buckingham Palace, Trafalgar Square, The London Underground, London Zoo, The London Eye, Tower Bridge, Big Ben and Kensington Palace.
This book would be a great purchase for a school library. It is a wonderful way to introduce any PreK - 1 students to some of the major sites found in London. If a student who has parents or older siblings travel to Great Britain, this would be a cute introduction. It does work well as a read aloud (I tried it). The Queen is portrayed as a strong and fearless leader, as she is in front of the line chasing her hat. This book would complement a unit on any sort of introduction to Great Britain or to the British Royal Family. The illustrations are done in a soft colored pencil, with lots of humor throughout the scenes. The font is playful and follows the lines of the illustrations. This will be a good purchase for an elementary school library. ( )
  kmjanek | May 31, 2016 |
It's like a London travel guide for littles!

The Queen's Hat swishes off her Royal Head. The queen's men, the queen, and her little dog (too) go zooming and flying and floating all over London to catch it. Finally the hat lands exactly where it was supposed to -- right on "the special person" she was going to visit (baby prince!).

I love Steve Antony's books. ( )
  melissarochelle | May 18, 2016 |
näyttää 5/5
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A sudden gust of wind takes the Queen's favorite hat and blows it all over London, as the Queen's men give chase.

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3 7
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4 8
4.5 3

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